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Note: Would is often used in combinations such as would rather, would like and would mind

  • Fiona would like to work in television (= wants)
  • I wouldn’t mind watching this film (=want)
  • I’d rather walk than hang around for a bus (=prefer)
  • Would you mind getting me a cup of tea?


Note some set phrases:

  • Boys will be boys – Мальчишки остаются мальчишками.
  • Accidents will happen – Без несчастных случаев дело не обходится.


В отличие от пары shall/should, где глагол should приобрел в качестве модального новые значения, совпадающие по смыслу с ought (to), глагол would в качестве модального сохранил все значения will в прошедшем времени. Глагол would даже более распространен в разговорной речи, а кроме того имеет и дополнительные значения, например, вероятностные (как и should).


Will и would употребляются для:

В утвердительной форме - для выражения твердой решимости, желания, намерения употребляется с 1-м лицом ед. и мн. числа в сочетании с неперфектным инфинитивом. Обычно с 1-м лицом употребляется shall, а употребление will придает оттенок решимости, желания. В этом случае не сокращается до 'll и произносится с ударением. На русский может не переводиться или переводиться как " хотеть, непременно " и т.п.

I will come whether you like it or not. Я все равно приду, хочешь ты или нет.
I will get the main part in that play. Я непременно получу главную роль в той пьесе.
I will write as soon as I can. Я непременно напишу, как только смогу.
I would do it, I swear! Я бы сделал это, клянусь!


Во 2-м и 3-м лице ед. и мн. числа для выражения приказания, долженствования, рекомендации (чаще употребляется в школах или военных учреждениях).

You will do as you are told. Ты сделаешь так, как тебе сказали.
The plane will take off at midnight. Самолету подняться в воздух в полночь


Would используется в конструкциях would ('d) rather пожалуй, предпочтительнее, would ('d) better лучше, would ('d) sooner скорее:

"I’d rather do it myself", said Mother. "Я, пожалуй, сделаю это сама", сказала мать.
I would (I'd) better shoot her once instead of shooting her lovers every week. Я бы лучше один раз пристрелил ее, чем стрелять каждую неделю ее любовников.
He’d sooner die than let me think he was a coward. Он скорее умрет, чем позволит мне думать, что он был трусом.



В отрицательной форме в сочетании с простым инфинитивом употребляется (в настоящем - will, в прошедшем - would):

Для выражения упорного нежелания или отказа выполнять какое-либо действие:

I won’t do it again. Я ни за что не буду делать это снова.
He won’t (will not) go to the director and talk with him. Он не хочет идти к директору и говорить с ним.


Глагол would в этом значении используется как в настоящем, так и в прошедшем времени – никак, ни за что не (хочу/хотел)

I wouldn’t lend him money to buy a car. Я не хочу одалживать ему деньги на покупку машины.
We invited him several times, but he wouldn’t come. Мы приглашали его несколько раз, но он не пожелал прийти.


С неодушевленными существительными выражает противодействие, сопротивление, отказ функционировать должным образом. Соответствует русскому " никак не ":

The lock will not open. Замок никак не открывается.
The pen won’t write. Ручка не пишет.
The engine wouldn’t start. Мотор никак не заводился.


В вопросительной форме во 2-м лице для выражения вежливой просьбы, предложения, приглашения. Употребляются will и would, причем выражения с would менее формальны, более вежливые и разговорные. На русский яз. переводится не дословно, а различными словами, выражающими вежливую просьбу.

Will you give him this letter? Вы не отдадите ему это письмо? (Дайте ему это письмо, пожалуйста.)
Will you have some more tea? Хотите еще чаю?
Will you wait a little? Не подождете ли вы немного?


Форма would в этом случае передает более вежливую просьбу:

Would you help me? (Не) могли бы вы помочь мне?
Would you show me that suit? Будьте добры, покажите мне вон тот костюм.


В выражении would you mind будьте добры, будьте любезны:

Would you mind closing the window? Вы не против закрыть окно?

Выражение would you like… (не) желаете ли… (часто встречается):

Would you like to see the room? Желаете посмотреть номер? (в гостинице)


Обычные или часто повторяющиеся действия в настоящем (will) или в прошлом (would):

When we were children, we would all get up early. Когда мы были детьми, мы бывало все вставали рано.


Вероятностное значение:

Для выражения предположениявероятно, должно быть и т.п.:

We heard the sound of the bell, and Carmella moving to answer the door. “That would be brother Random,” I said, knowing I was right. Мы услышали звук звонка, и Кармелла отправилась открывать дверь. "Это, должно быть, брат Рэндом", я сказал, чувствуя/зная, (что) прав.



Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences with the modal verb will (would) denoting volition.

1. She won't speak. She lies on her back quite qui­etly. She doesn't move for hours at a time. 2. I wouldn't marry a man with a future before him for anything under the sun. 3. I won't see her. Nothing will induce me to see her. 4. The trou­ble is you wouldn't know the things I want to know. 5. No, thank you, I won't have any more tea. 6. Poor soul, she was so proud; and though it nearly broke her heart to part from me, she smiled, and would not show me her grief. 7. It is I who refuse to marry him. I will not marry Lord Illingworth. I will not marry him. 8. When I went she wouldn't speak to me. She told them to send me away. 9. "Thank god you've come," she cried. "Reggie's married an actress, and I've disinherited him. I won't ever see him again, and, for all I care he may starve." 10. Personally I'm sorry for young Barlow, I wouldn't stand in his shoes today, I've just come from seeing the lad. 11. Bella, don't you know that you're the only woman I've ever liked? But I won't let you sacrifice yourself for me. 12. I wouldn't hurt her feelings for the world. She's a nice little thing, Constance. 13. "And I swear," she said wrathfully, turning at bay, "that I won't live a day after you." 14. She had won­derful spirit. She wouldn't give in. 15. "I won't contradict you," she laughed, in a tone which showed him he knew even less of the classifying of ships than she did. 16. She wouldn't stand any nonsense. 17. I do hate fuss. I won't stand it. 18. Bertha clenched her hands because the flush of shame would not leave her cheeks. 19. I will not say that we are disillusioned, but I will say that we are distressed. 20. "I won't get you into trouble," she cried desperately.

Exercise 2. Translate the sentences with the modal verb will (would) denoting order or request.

1. Nurse, would you mind bringing me my clothes? 2. "I still have in my bureau the picture that Strickland gave me," he said. "Would you like to see it?" 3. "Will you do something for me?" — "Willingly." — "Will you write to Blanche for me?" 4. You wouldn't wear a scarlet hat with car­roty hair. 5. Will you come down and read it? Or will you let your lady read it? Or will I read it, John? 6. "Aimee works very hard, Mom, I told you." — "Nice work, too. I wouldn't let a daugh­ter of mine do it. Where's your mother?" — "She went East. I think she died." 7. And Laura, glowing, answered softly, "Have you had tea? Won't you have an ice? The passion-fruit ices really are rather spe­cial." 8. Will you shake hands with me, old man? I made a mistake and I'm man enough to ac­knowledge it. 9. "Will you have a cigarette?" he asked when they had finished their tea. 10. Stanley pushed back his chair and got up. "Would you get me those shoes, mother?" 11. Mary blushed until the tears stood in her eyes, but Miss Meadows was gone back to the music stand, "Page fourteen. We will begin with page fourteen." 12. I seized my courage. "Would you — do you care to come to tea with us?" 13. "I won't have you say anything against him," she cried impetuous­ly. 14. "Would you like me to take you over the cathedral?" she asked without a word of introduc­tion. 15. You can't marry; you haven't the right to now. It's too infamous. I won't let you. I'll do any­thing to stop it. Oh, Reggie, Reggie, don't leave me! I can't bear it. 16. "Would you stay a few min­utes longer, father?" said Bella. 17. Won't you come and have tea with me?

Exercise 3. Translate the sentences with the modal verb would denoting a repeated action in the past.

1. I gave him books to read, but after a page or two he would put the book down and stare miserably into space. 2. When Andrew came in tired, almost defeated by a long day, she would have a hot meal on the table which quickly restored him. 3. Some­times I would knock again and again, and call out to her before she answered. 4. Every now and then he would take one or two pictures away with him in a cab. 5. At night when he sank into a chair exhausted she would kneel and take off these leggings, then heavy boots, before handing him his slippers. 6. At the end and beginning of each shift, the quiet streets would suddenly awake. 7. Coming into the room while Andrew sat with the sick man, she would advance, smiling apparently, yet with a queer jealous sense of exclusion. 8. He would lie there, helpless in bed, a worn-out man. 9. He would spend hours lying absolutely still, watch­ing his window sill. 10. ….the scene in the class­room would flash back to him with renewed vivid­ness and he would find himself frowning in the dark­ness. 11. By six or six thirty — here a little lati­tude was permitted — he would be in the drawing room, ready... for conversation, I suppose, because he never took anything in there with him, not even the crossword. 12. His well-meaning at­tempts would always be set aside.


Exercise 4. State the meaning of the verb will (would). Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Will you tell her that if there is anyone else she wished to see I will bring him? 2. "Kindly in­form Mr. Brandson," I said, "that I will see him short­ly, if he would be so kind as to wait a few minutes." 3. Ah, but I will not tease you! Let us make our deductions together. What points strike us as being difficult? 4. I longed to see her, but she would have hated every second of what I was doing so would my beloved father. 5. "Good night, dear." — "Good night, sir." — "I will leave you." — "You will not be long, dear?" 6. I will not go till you lis­ten to me. 7. You will write and tell her about it and ask her to come up and meet him. 8. I noticed Henry looking at you tonight when we got home. I don't blame him for anything, ever. I wouldn't blame him whatever he did. 9. I will be a good wife to you. For love of you I will work my fingers to the bone. 10. I won't go back to school or take a senseless job that I can't do well and nobody needs me for. 11. He would continue his painting, it was the only road he knew. 12. It is very un­likely they would allow her to see visitors at this time» of night. 13. I believe these new rock roses would do perfectly in this climate. 14. "Will you want anything else?" asked the smiling old land­lady. 15. I will ask you, Madame, to watch over your friend. 16. I will leave you. But let me tell you this. You haven't heard the last of me. 17. I told my wishes and you will respect them. 18. I won't go back to him. I won't let him have the children 19. "Oh, Eleanor, I will write to you indeed," she said.

Exercise 5. State whether the verb will (would) is a modal verb or an auxiliary verb.

1. "Would you do that for me?" — "Yes, I will." 2. I never thought the day would come when I'd be a hotel keeper. 3. I know it is such a blow to you. I will not add further news. 4. I was informed that he had gone out early and they didn't know when he would be back. 5. There can also have been no positive evidence, or the police would have got hold of it. 6. Would you come to the Toninglan cinema with me, sometime? 7. If you do I will never forgive you. I will never speak to you again. 8. He was conscious that she regarded him with an indifference so profound that the sight of his handwriting would have not the slightest effect on her. 9. I wouldn't make a scene if I were you. 10. He decided he would speak to her in the train coming home. 11. He begged me to repeat to her that he loved her still; he would reproach her for nothing, but desired only to help her. 12. She would have boon a star if she had not given up the stage to marry him. 13. I didn't really think you would agree to that plan. Very well, we must arrange a compromise 14. I wish had known it was your birthday. I would have covered the whole street in front of your house with flowers for you to walk. 15. He thought he would like to have a proper look at it (the picture), so he brought it along and set it on the easel. 16. By the end of the first chapter he knew he would leave Wichita the following day. 17. He called me back by asking me whether I would have a brandy with my coffee, and when I refused, insisted. 18. She felt she would give a good deal to overhear what was going on. 19. If I once said that, it would be the end — it really would. There would be the most terrible scene. She would never forgive, she would never forget. 20. He realized that if he answered one question it would lead to another.

Exercise 6. Use will or would.

1. In half an hour the Dutchman, looking at his watch, announced that he must go. He asked wheth­er I ______ come too. 2. She asked him if he liked a cup of tea and some biscuits. He said he ______ if she brought them herself. 3. But what nonsense! I like these verses very much. I ______ read as I walk along the side path, where I shall hear the bees, and catch the flutter of a butter­fly among the words. 4. I don't think either of us ______ like the idea of that 5. "I______ have no mercy on those shadows the next time they come between us," said Helena to herself. "They may go back to hell." 6. Such a beautiful evening. I think I______ come a little farther. 7. He declined breakfast, but said he______ like to have a bath. 8. He had writhed in confusion and hu­miliation. As she pressed his hand, closely and for a long time, she said: "I ______ write to you." 9. Is there something you______ like to be? What______ you like to be? 10. "I'm very sorry. In future I ______ try to be gentler to you all. I thought I only did my duty. 11. I______ give the matter every consideration. 12. Sometimes I think I______ cut down such trees as remain in the wood, at other time, I want to fill up the gaps be­tween them with new trees. 13. "I think I ______ rest a while," she said. 14. Now ______ you mind helping me stack these boxes on top of each other? 15. I have nowhere else to go. Why did I come back? But I am sleepy I______ not bother tonight.


Exercise 7. Translate the following sentences paying atten­tion to the constructions in bold type. Make up your own sentences with these constructions.

Well, I have done so now. A little moment and I will show youwhat I, imbecile that I am, ought to have seen at once. 2. "Won't yousit down?" he said, taking her arm and leading her to a chair. 3. He remained silent. Sometimes she would have likedto shake him. 4. "A very good idea," I said. "I will rememberit in the future." 5. I won't letyou assume airs of superiority over me. 6. Often she would get upand wander noise­lessly round the house, picking up a book, fingering an ornament, rearranging a vase of flowers, writing a letter or two. 7. Oh, Bertha, let me in. You're tormenting yourself so much because you won't see anybody. 8. I won't saythat I was bitter but I certainly was discontented. 9. Or­dinarily, when the weather was good I would walkthe thirty-odd blocks to my apartment, stopping for breakfast at a coffee shop on Second Avenue. 10.Poirot plunged into (I felt sure) a wholly menda­cious story of an invalid uncle which I will not trou­bleto repeat here. 11. Would you like tocome to the play with me? 12.Caroline Crale wouldn't agree. 13.I told him I wouldn't have any more to do withhim. 14. I did see his point of view, but he wouldn't see mine.


Exercise 8. Change the following sentences using the po­lite forms Would you mind or Will you please.

1. Give me that box of matches. 2. Don't talk while I'm watching TV. 3. Take these letters to the post-of­fice. 4. Turn the TV off. 5. Don't smoke in the dining-room. 6. Wait a few minutes. 7. Don't make so much noise. 8. Try to come early this evening. 9. Help me to lift this box. 10. Come another day. 11. Type this letter.


Exercise 9. Complete the following sentences.

1. When the time comes I will reveal…. 2. We will accept the advice of our friends and…. 3. How nice to have company. Won't you....? 4. I won't upset her. I only hope that…. 5. I won't deny that…. 6. I know she would always…. 7. She would tell Сlaire nothing, assured me that…. 8. It is true, as a matter of fact. I will not…. 9. Trust me absolutely and I…. 10. The door wouldn't open….


Exercise 10. Complete the following sentences using the modal verb will (would).

1. As regards this dreadful business, I.... 2. When­ever I locked the door, it…. 3. The terrible thing is that if I go to him and tell him about it he…. 4. I need hardly say, I…. 5. May I ask you then what you….? 6. If it wasn't for her bad health, I…. 7. You are my enemy, and you are at my mercy. What…. 8. I hope you don't mind my troubling you, but…. 9. He went past her, and she stood there waiting for what he…. 10. Whenever I tell them…. 11. If it's a matter of opinion, I…. 12. If he's ill and must stay in bed, I….


Exercise 11. Make up short dialogues with the following statements,

1. No, I will never do that again. 2. I'm sorry that I was rude, but I couldn't help it, and 1 will try to keep my temper. 3. I will go at once. 4. I won't let you assume any airs of superiority over me.

5. No, the knife wouldn't cut. 6. Yes, I will always come here on fine sunny days. 7. Would you like me to translate these stories for you? 8. Would you mind explaining, please? 9. Would you get me a glass of water? 10. I will never allow him to go there. 11. Would you like to come with me to the country for a few days? 12. Would you have any objection to telling us ex­actly what passed between you? 13. I will not do what you ask me I will not.


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