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Shall is used in interrogative sentences with the first and third persons meaning obligationorasking for instructions.

  • Shall I get you some coffee? – Принести Вам еще кофе?
  • Who shall answer the phone? – Кому отвечать по телефону?


2. Shall is used to express obligation but it is always combined with the function of an auxiliary verb of the future tense. Shall occurs in affirmative and negative sentences.

  • We shall be landing in Paris in 10 minutes.
  • I shall miss him terribly

However when the verb is found with the 2nd and 3rd person it expresses warning, promise, threat.

  • You shall have my answer tomorrow.
  • You shall stay just where you are.


3. Shall is used with the 3rd person to refer to duties.

  • The officer shall be responsible for the fleet of lorries.



Модальный глагол shall употребляется, когда мы говорим о необходимости совершения действия, выраженной в форме приказа или твердого обещания обязательно должен. В качестве модального глагола shall употребляется с неперфектным инфинитивом, произносится в полной форме с логическим ударением (не сокращая до ’ll) и на русский язык отдельно не переводится.



В утвердительных и отрицательных предложениях употребляется для того, чтобы выразить:

приказ, предупреждение, предостережение или угрозу, направленные ко 2-му или 3-му лицу:

You shall do this work at once. Вы должны сделать эту работу немедленно.
You shall not run away before you answer. Вы не убежите, пока не ответите мне. (угроза)


твердое, категорическое обещание, заверение, уверенность от лица говорящего:

You shall have whatever you want. У тебя будет все, что ты хочешь.
They shall have this picture. У них будет эта картина. (я им обещаю)
He shan’t come here. Он не придет сюда. (Я не позволю)
We shall win! Мы выиграем! (выражение сильной решимости)


В вопросах, задаваемых с целью получения указания, распоряжения, совета или предложения. В этом значении shell употребляется с 1-м и 3-м лицом ед. и мн. числа.

Shall I call for you this evening? Мне за вами зайти сегодня вечером?
Shall I help him? Помочь ему?
Shall I wait for you? Мне тебя подождать?
What shall I do? Что же мне делать?

Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences with the mod­al verb shall denoting promise.

1. "I'd be more likely to remember that I'm work­ing for Doctor Page if I had my month's salary, Mrs. Page." She reddened.... Then she tossed her head de­fiantly. "You shall have it. The idea!" 2. I have promised Mr. Hardman that the jewels shall be re­turned to him today. 3. If you ever want me, come to me for my assistance, and you shall have it. 4. Justice may be slow, mother, but it comes in the end. In a few days you shall be Lord Illingworth's lawful wife. 5. When she had slipped into her clothes again, he said, "Sometimes you shall pose for me." 6. A a piece of chocolate and a good cup of tea — there's nothing to beat them and a nice cup of tea you shall have at once my dear, before you start that awful argument. 7. You shall see it in due course, if you choose to agree. 8. It is very true, how­ever; you shall read his letter yourself. 9. I give you a chance of escape. Sign this paper, and you shall have twenty-four hours' start — twenty-four hours before I place it in the hands of police.

Exercise 2. Translate the following sentences with the modal verb shall denoting determination, warning or threat.

1. You'd better hold your tongue, my dear, and if you don't, every letter you've written to me shall be sent to your mother-in-law. 2. When my moth­er removes into another house, my services shall be readily given to accommodate her as far as I can. 3. Referees shall be appointed to prevent the carrying of any weapon. 4. I am determined that something shall be done about it. 5. She walked towards the door, but Basil intercepted her. "You shan't go yet. After all, I'm your son, and you've got no right to disgrace yourself." 6. "He shall not be bored by me!" I thought furiously. "He shall not!" 7. Lord Windermere: "I'll search your rooms." Lord Darlington: "You shall not search my rooms. You have no right to do so. I forbid you!" 8. He had better prepare himself. She shall have a scandal. He shall have the worst scandal there has been in London for years. He shall see his name in every vile paper. 9. I've made up my mind. Henry shall go to the grange and nowhere else.

Exercise 3. Translate the sentences where the modal verb shall is used to ask for instructions.

1. There was one table. It had pink carnations and pink plates with little blue tea-napkins for sails. "Shall we sit here?" 2. Roy got up from a leather sofa and warmly greeted me. "Shall we go straight up?" he said. 3. "Here, shall I show you what I found yesterday?" said Pip mysteriously, and he stuck his spade into the sand. 4. The day came he was to call for me to choose the furniture. Shall I ever forget it! 5. "Shall we go and have our coffee in the next room?" he said. "If you like." 6. Let him go by himself, Rosee. He can manage better alone." — "All right. Shall you be here tomorrow? We're coming." 7. "This heat is terrible, Siegmund. Shall we go down to the wa­ter?" — "Shall we not go under the rocks?" said Hel­ena. 8. Mr. Baumbein is in conference right now. Shall I have him call you? 9. "All right," said Siegmund, rising from the bed, bewildered. "And what time shall you expect dinner?" asked Beatrice. 10. Then you had better have a suite with an anteroom. The Orchid Room is the best. Shall I make a reservation for that? 11. She was half-smiling, a grim, grim smile that stopped my breath for a minute. "Shall I tell you? I promised him not to." 12. I must be off now. Shall I come and see you again to­morrow? 13. Shall I call you from Washing­ton? Tomorrow morning? 14. "Shall we go, George? Shall I call down for a car?" — "I'll take you by a horse cab." 15. "Shall I read to you?" she asked bitterly. "Shall we sit by firelight?" he asked tentatively.

Exercise 4. State the meaning of the verb shall. Trans­late the sentences into Russian.

1. Petkoff: "She's dreaming, as usual." Sergius: "Assuredly she shall not be the loser." Petkoff: "So much the better for her." 2. I'll try to spoil their pleasure. It's much more effective. I don't say, "You shan't bathe." I say, "You shall bathe in an atmo­sphere of self-consciousness and fear," and I think I am succeeding. 3. Well, my dear, I'm determined that there's at least one thing you shan't do and that is to tell Constance. 4. If you leave this house without an umbrella, you shall not come into it again. You shall never cross this threshold so long as I am alive. 5. Well, shall we have tea? 6. Mrs. Arbuthnotf: "He shall not come here. He shall not cross the threshold of my house." 7. Strength came to them as they stood there clasped together in the darkness. Sandra said with determi­nation: "This shall not wreck our lives! It shall not. It shall not." 8. Nicola: "We shall have our evening to ourselves; and I shall be master in my own house, I promise you." Louka: "You shall never be master in mine." 9. Shall I wait downstairs? You can ring if you want me. 10. "If anything happens to her..." — "Nothing shall happen to her!" 11. He realizes the disadvantages under which he himself suffered as a boy and is determined that the youth oftoday shall be better equipped. 12. I consent. The report shall be withdrawn. 13. My dear, for twenty years you've refused the most eligible aspirants. Shall we tell Polly about the last one? 14. Upon the signal the camera operators shall proceed to record the scene.... We take this opportunity of reminding you that it shall be to our music.


Exercise 5. State whether shall is an auxiliary verb or a modal verb.

1. I shall pack up my things and leave today. 2. Shall I tell you something? 3. Do you want anything better than this, dear? Shall we come here next year, and stay for a whole month? 4. When shall I have it? There must be no delay. 5. I rather think I shall be invited to take part in it. 6. I'll take the letter from you by force. You shall not leave my room till I have got it. 7. Oh! I shall be careful. Anyway, I shall be all right. 8. "I shall do nothing of the sort," he said. 9. I shall look forward to seeing you. 10. "Shall we go out for a moment, Siegmund?" she asked fretfully. 11. If I've found him, Miss, who shall I say is calling, please. 12. I shall have to be looking about for some ground somewhere. 13. "All is over between us," answered Miss Ley mockingly, "and shall I return your letters and your photographs?" 14. I shall be glad to commis­erate with you. 15. We shall live within a few miles of each other, and shall meet every day.

Exercise 6. Change the sentences using the model.

Model: — Let's have a rest, shall we? — Shall we have a rest?

1. Let's go to the cinema this evening, shall we? 2. Let's go to the country instead, shall we? 3. Let's walk across the fields and look for wild flowers, shall we? 4. Let's buy some of these flowers, shall we? 5. Let's give her a pair of gloves, shall we? 6. Let's buy two ice creams, shall we? 7. Let's stop spending so much money on cigarettes, shall we? 8. Let's have tea, shall we? 9. Let's ring them up, shall we? 10. Let's go to the river and swim, shall we? 11. Let's go round and see him, shall we?


Exercise 7. Complete the following sentences.

1. The books shall be returned to him by all means, because….. 2. A day shall be announced when….. 3. A letter shall be sent to your mother if….. 4. You shall not have it..... 5. You shall not bathe in the river.... 6. I shall be the owner of this house..... 7. This report shall be made tomorrow….. 8. Shall I show you......? 9. What time shall we expect.....? 10. You shall not leave the house until…..


Exercise 8. Complete the sentences using the modal verb shall.

1. If you want the book you.... 2. In a few days you….. 3. I am quite determined that something….. 4. I am convinced that I.... 5. I remind you that you.... 6. I must be off now..... 7. Do you want anything....? 8. I rather think I….. 9. I've found him here, in the library…..


Exercise 9. Make up short dialogues with the following statements.

1. You shan't go there. It's too dangerous. 2. He shall see his name in the paper. 3. You shall never cross the threshold of my house. 4. Nothing shall happen to him. 5. Shall we go downstairs to the canteen? - 6. Shall I read it to you out loud? 7. Let's pack up our things and leave tomorrow night. 8. Don't worry. I shall be all right. 9. Be sure you shall do nothing of the kind.

Exercise 10. Translate into English.

1. He ешь так много мороженого. У тебя заболит горло. 2. Мне позвонить или ты сама зайдешь ко мне? 3. Дать ли ответ сегодня или можно подож­дать несколько дней? 4. Вы останетесь здесь, ина­че он будет вне себя от гнева. 5. Приготовить вам свежий чай? 6. Если он не будет слушаться, он бу­дет наказан. 7. Вы ответите за свои поступки. 8. Вы сделаете так, как вам сказали. 9. Вы закажите это лекарство немедленно. 10. Что вы мне посоветуе­те: поехать в турлагерь или на взморье? 11. Не ходи босиком по мокрой земле! Ты заболеешь! 12. Как вы думаете, записаться мне на прием к врачу или нет? 13. Зря она отказалась от поездки на Северный Кавказ. Она пожалеет об этом, но будет поздно. 14. Открыть окно? По-моему, здесь душно. 15. Ты себя плохо ведешь! Ты будешь наказан и не пойдешь на про­гулку.


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