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Exercise 23. Put modal verbs should or must.

1. a) You___have studied the material thoroughly. I see you have made no mistakes in the test-paper. b) You___have studied the material thoroughly. Then you would not have made so many mistakes. 2. a) She___have followed the doctor's advice. She would have recovered by now. b) She___have followed the doctor's advice. She looks very fine. 3. a) You___have ignored the instructions of your sports coach. That's why you lost the game. b) You___have followed the instructions of your sports coach. Then you would have won the game. 4. a) She___have forgotten to take her medicine. b) She___have remembered to take her medicine. 5. a) I___have got on the wrong bus. I cannot recognize the places we are passing. b) I___have looked carefully at the number of the bus.


Exercise 24. Use the particle to wherever necessary.

1. I know you must_be nervous. 2. Swithin said he should_go back to lunch atTimothy's. 3. What am I_do withthese papers after all? 4. How very, very kindyou are. But you needn't_worry about me —I am really very strong. 5. They became aware of the porters shouting loudly that the Waterloo trainwas-leave from another platform. 6. Ishould-have expected more sense from you,Louka. But you're young, you're young! 7. Iam sorry to have_say such a thing to you, Mr. Smith, but the management likes to give also the impression of high tone. 8. "You needn't -get into a rage," he said. "If I'm willing to put up with it, I suppose you needn't cry out." 9. People must_have laughed if they saw me. 10. "Then," said he calmly, but turn­ing away to watch the people below on the pavement, "you certainly ought not_be out." 11. I've forgotten my purse. You'll have_pay,after all. D'you mind? 12. She was apparently telling him how to write a novel, and giving him a list of a few that he really ought read. 13. "How much time do you have?" he asked. "I mean when do you have_be back home?" 14. The one thing he ought_do was to tracehis daughter. 15. Surely that meant, that must _mean, that the person in question was some­one standing in Wychwood.

Exercise 25. Use the proper form of the infinitive in brack­ets after the modal verbs must, should, ought, have to, be to, need.

1. I think we ought (to start). 2. Something must (to do) for them whenever they leave Norland and settle in a new home. 3. "The principle of the house," said the architect, "was that you should (to have) room to breathe." 4. I really thought my behaviour in asking so many questions about Mrs. Terrars must (to seem) so odd, that ought (to explain). 5. "You're the mistress of the house," was all he said. "You need not (to excuse) your absence to anyone except me." 6. I suppose I oughtn't (to come) here, Jo, but I get so lonely. 7. They saw, they must (to see) that I was in a state of great mental perturbation. 8. Mrs. Hayman had gone away, leaving a message for Timothy that she ought (to tell) sooner. 9. Evidently he was (to take) out of London. 10. It's possible she may protest or cause difficulties to spite me, so you must (to be) patient if you have (to wait) a few weeks yet. 11. The emotion must (to be) catching, for Miss Ley's tones had not their usual cold steadiness. 12. We got poorer and poorer. The house had (to sell). 13. ….he gave orders he was not (to disturb) after dinner. 14. She assured her that everything should (to do) which she might think necessary. 15. Now we must (to get off). Callfor the bill! 16. Mrs. Cheveley: "I must (to say) Society has become dreadfully mixed. One sees the oddest people everywhere." Lady Markby: "That's quite true, dear. But one needn't (to know) them. I'm sure I don't know half the people who come to my house." 17. However, one thing must (to con­sider).

Exercise 26. Use must, should, ought, have to, be to, need in the correct form.

1. We think she_to go out more. 2. One night, after dinner they met in the lounge todecide what_to be done next. 3. There was a feeling amongst them all that they_to have been told sooner. 4. You are breaking the law! You can't keep him here. If you do, I_ to report you. 5. You said I_not ever leave you or let you go. 6. We'll hurry up, ifyou don't mind. I_to get back in time to takeJune to the theatre. 7. Excuse me, Doctor.There's Mrs. Page calling me. I'll_to run. 8. On the following day, the day fixed for the mar riage, Bella with a heavy heart put on a travelling-dress. They_to take the train immediatelyafter the ceremony, catch the afternoon boat to Cal­ais, and thence travel directly to Milan. 9. It-be a good job, this business. 10. Yousurprise me very much. Surely you …. be mis­taken. 11. Miss Blomax_I am so gladyou could come. I do not think, Miss Blomax, that you-to have come__I don't think Г__have asked you. 12. "Yes", ho thought, "I -have room to hang my pictures," 13. As he rose to go, after remaining seated by the bedside for a few minutes, he_to confine him­self to asking: "Doctor Page, if we get an infectious case, what's the best thing to do?" 14. The open­ing of a new art gallery is, or_be, a pleasur­able labour, for the benefit of thousands.

Exercise 27. Complete the following sentences.

1. He must have looked ill because…. 2. I think I should make it clear.... 3. That's why I say you ought to go…. 4. I decided that I must wait no longer…. 5. Sorry to bother you with all this, but I had to say it…. 6. You needn't be nervous…. 7. You shouldn't have.... 8. Later he was to learn that.... 9. You don't have to answer…. 10. He ought to be able to take care of himself.... 11. You must bear in mind that 12. You needn't worry.... 13. How was I to know that...? 14. I'll have to run…. 15. They must have had a good talk…. 16. We'll have to do something about it.... 17. You needn't bother about it.... 18. She is to meet me at the railway-station…. 19. I should mention that….

Exercise 28. Complete the sentences using the modal verbs must, should, ought, have to, be to, need.

1. You have overtired yourself, you.... 2. I sup­pose there is something you.... 3. He was wondering whether he.... 4. We have no obligation to them, only to ourselves, we.... 5. They wanted her for ques­tioning, that's why she…. 6. There was also some­thing we felt we…. 7. I often thought we…. 8. I'll apologize if I.... 9. What's wrong with you? Do you...? 10. Let him come to the house, he…. 11. I studied it carefully in case I…. 12. I'm sorry, you…. 13. He came to live here when I was sixteen, I had just left school and.... 14. Your father said I…. 15. She felt there were things she.... 16. It was he who arranged that I…. 17. How can you say that? Don't you know that...? 18. I can't stay here, I….

Exercise 29. Read the dialogue and state the meaning of the modal verbs must, ought, be to, need. Pattern your own dialogue after this one.

Harry: Were you able to write that letter yesterday, Nora?

Nora: Which letter do you mean?

Harry: The one to the headmaster of Peter's school, saying we want to take him away on holiday a week before the end of term.

Nora: Oh,, no. I must write it tonight.

Harry: You ought to have written it yesterday, you know. We may have left it too late!

Nora: But I thought you said I needn't. Besides, don't you think you ought to write it, as Peter's father? It might " seem better, coming from you.

Harry: But you can write that kind of letter much better than I can; you always could.

Nora: I think you might do it instead of me — you know I hate letter-writing.

Harry: Perhaps we might write it together. Where's a piece of paper?

Nora: There may be some in this drawer. Yes, here you are.

Harry: Now. What can we say?

Nora: (Hesitating.) Well, you could say, er — you could say Peter needs a long holiday.

Harry: (Dubiously.) That might do.

Nora: Harry, you could have spoken to the headmas­ter when you met him last week; then we needn't have written this letter.

Harry: Yes, I know — and you could have written the letter yourself yesterday when you said you were going to.

Nora: Well, anyhow, we don't seem to be making much progress with it now.

Peter: Hello, Mum and Dad!

Harry: I

Nora: Hello, Peter.

Peter: I've got some good news for you. Our head­master says the holidays are starting a week ear­lier because the school is to be painted.

Nora: What a relief, Harry! We needn't have wor­ried how to write our letter.

(From "Meet the Parkers")


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