Студопедия — Lewis Carroll — Professor of Mathematics
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Lewis Carroll — Professor of Mathematics

Many years ago, on a fine summer day a shy man with three little children went boating along the Thames. His name was Dodgson. He was often called "Professor Dodgson" as on weekdays he taught mathematics at Oxford University, and on Sundays he preached sermons in church. "Dodgson" was his real name, but not the name under which we know him.

Dodgson was so timid, that he stuttered while speaking to grown-ups. But he enjoyed telling children amusing stories. It was on that particular day, while boating along the Thames, that he told his little companions an unbelievable story. He told them about a small girl, who, having gone to bed, disappeared in a rabbit's hole, and after waking up, found herself in Wonderland. So unusual was that story, that the children listened to it with wide open eyes. And at the end of their trip they asked the professor to write it down for them. So he did,after working over the manuscript the whole night. And as one of the little girls was called Alice, he chose "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" for the title of his story.

After that Dodgson put away the manuscript into the drawer of his table and completely forgot about it. Never could he suppose that somebody would get interested in it. A few years later a friend of his chanced to see the manuscript. Having brushed the dust off it, he started reading it. Hardly had he read a few pages when he understood that it was a masterpiece which was to be published. "I wish all the children could read about Alice's adventures in Wonderland. I wish you were not so shy and stubborn. In your place I would have done it long ago and now the children could be enjoying this book. So would the grown-ups."

Still, in vain were all his efforts. The professor wouldn't hear that he, a professor of mathematics of Oxford University, would write a silly tale for children! No! Not for anything would he do it! It was beneath his dignity. That's why "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" was finally published under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. It was a tremendous success. The number of its editions is hard to define. Over many decades "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" has been one of the most loved children's books all over the world.

Ex. 704.

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