It consists in arranging the utterance so that each subsequent component of it decreases significance, importance or emotional tension of
narration: If John's eyes fill with tears, you may have no doubt: he has been eating raw onions. Вовк - хижак, і хижак лютий, кровожадливий, проте боятися його нема чого. Лезо небезпеки нависло над бідолашним і розрізало навпіл... Але не треба почувати відразу і втрачати свідомість, бачучи червоні краплі. Перев'язувальний матеріал нам не потрібний - це ж помідор. Вони і жваво сміялись, і стиха сяяли радістю. Climax and anticlimax may be combined, like in the anecdote: Yes, I came face to face with a lion once. To make things worse, I was alone and weaponless. First, I tried to hypnotize him looking straight into his eyeballs. But it was useless. He kept on crawling towards me. Then I thought of plunging my arm down his throat, grabbing him by the tail from the inside and turning him inside out, but it seemed too dangerous. And he kept on creeping towards me, growling in anticipation. I had to think fast. Meanwhile, the situation got more and more monotonous with every coming second. And you know how I escaped the situation. When I became bored enough with the lion's muzzle, I just left him and went to the other cages. ZEUGMA A zeugmatic construction consists of at least three constituents. The basic word of it stands in the same grammatical but different semantic relations to a couple of adjacent words. The basic word combined with the first adjacent word forms a phraseological word-combination. The same basic word combined with the second adjacent word forms a free word-combination. For example: Freddy got out of bed and low spirits. Communicative function. Zeugma is used to create a humoristic effect which is achieved by means of contradiction between the similarity of the two syntactic structures and their semantic heterogeneity. More examples: Mary dropped a tear and her handkerchief. George possessed two false teeth and a kind heart. Dora plunged into privileged intimacy and into the middle of the room. Любить медалі один, а другий - мрію. PUN The principle of semantic incompatibility of language units realized in zeugma is also realized in pun. In fact, pun is a variant of zeugma, or vice versa. The difference is structural: pun is more independent, it does not need a basic component like zeugma. Pun is just a play on words.