Epithets are such attributes which describe objects expressively.
Assigned features. It is essential to differentiate between logical attributes and epithets proper. Logical attributes are objective and non-evaluating: a round table, green meadows, next day, second boy, loud voice, 1 гіркий перець, сива бабуся, рожева тканина, кисле яблуко, І свіжий хліб, золота обручка, чиста тарілка, глуха людина, липовий цвіт, холодна вода, легка валіза. They have nothing to do with stylistics. Epithets proper are subjective and evaluating, mostly metaphorical. These qualities make epithets expressive: loud ocean, wild wind, glorious sight, irresistible charm, crazy behaviour. Classification. Epithets may be classified on the basis of their semantic and structural properties. Semantically, epithets fall into two groups: epithets associated with the nouns modified and epithets not associated with the nouns modified. Associated epithets point out typical features of the objects which they describe. Such typical features are implied by the meaning of the nouns themselves: if forest, then - dark; if attention, then - careful; if seas, then - salty; if tears, then - bitter; if sky, then — blue; гіркі сльози, сива давнина, рожеві мрії, кисла фізіономія, свіжі ідеї, золоті руки, чиста правда, глуха стіна, липова довідка, холодна байдужість, легке серце. Unassociated epithets ascribe such qualities to objects which are not inherent in them. As a result of this, metaphors emerge fresh, unexpected, original and expressive: voiceless sands, helpless loneliness, thirsty deserts, blank face, murderous weather, гіркий сон, сивий біль, рожевий обман, кислі очі, свіжий ворог, золота посмішка, чиста тупість, глухий туман, липовий сміх, холодна перемога, легка клятва. Unassociated epithets may be called "speech epithets" because they are created right in the process of communication. Associated epithets are mostly language epithets. Their use with certain nouns has become traditional and stable. Thus, they are language-as-aJ system elements. As to their structural composition, epithets are divided into simple, compound, phrasal and clausal. Simple epithets are ordinary adjectives: ma gnificent sight, tremendous pressure, overwhelming occupation, ^ добова тиша, голосистий дзвін, спрагле серце, масний погляд, солодкий, час, гірка давнина, глухий кут. Compound epithets are expressed by compound adjectives: m ischief-making pupil, curly-headed boy, heart-burning desire, б пакитнаво-срібний сон, щиросердне зізнання, хитромудрий начальник, легкокрила бричка, тупоголова/ тонкосльоза людина. phrasal epithets are expressed by word-combinations of quotation type: dn-it-your self command, go-to-devil request, head-to-toe beauty, тамно-сірі з грозою і ивітом очі, з переораним зморшками обличчям дід. Clausal epithets are expressed by sentences: J-don 't-want-to-do-it feeling, 1-did-it-myself statement, чутка " одна баба сказала ", підхід " моя хата з краю ", посада " куди п ошлють ", робота " не бий лежачого ". посмішка " рот до вух ".