This figure of contrast stands close to oxymoron. The major differ' ence between them is structural: oxymoron is realized through a single
word-combination, while antithesis is a confrontation of at least two separate phrases semantically opposite. Compare: "wise foolishness" is an oxymoron; "... the age of wisdom, the age of foolishness" is an antithesis. Assigned features. Syntactic structures expressing the meaning of antithesis are quite various: a simple extended sentence, a composite sentence, a paragraph or even chain of paragraphs. The main lexical means of antithesis formation is antonyms (words opposite in meaning): danger - security, Hfe _ death, empty -occupied, to hurry - to go slow. However, the use of antonyms is not strictly obligatory. Antithesis may also be formed through situational confrontation of two notions expressed by non-antonymous words. For example: Isabel's salary was high; Isabel's work was light. More examples: It was the season of light, it was the season of darkness. 1 had walked into that reading-room a happy, healthy man. I crawled out a decrepit wreck. Gilbert wears fine clothes while I go in rags. While I am weak from hung er. Denis suffers from overeating. А далі пішли інші дні, зі своїми клопотами, турбаціями, зі своїми тінями й просвітками, зі ширим словом і дрібнотою доносів на тому ж папері, в який можна вписати незрівнянний образ і жало гадюки. Янгольський голосок, та чортова думка. Слова одні нам тішать слух і зір. А інші нас відштовхують раптово. CLIMAX (GRADATION) This figure of inequality consists in arranging the utterance so that each subsequent component of it increases significance, importance or emotional tension of narration: There was the boom, then instantly the shriek and burst. I am sorry. I am so very sorry, I am so extremely sorry. Важливий - вирішальний - грандіозний. карний - чудовий - пречудовий - незрівнянний - божественний. Кмітливий - розумний - мудрий. Механізм справді був простий, зручний, корисний.
nice - lovely - beautiful - fair - magnificent; surprised - astonished - astounded - struck - petrified - killed (figuratively). На серці в Гната ставало так погано, прикро, болісно. Не тільки тужна пісня лилася із змученої душі матері, а и пропікали сльози гарячі сліди на її обличчі. Сонце пече, аж в'ялить. Пилип так зажурився, аж скис. Gradation revealing the quantity of objects may be called quantitative: There were hundreds of houses, thousands of stairs, innumerably kitchens. Око бачить далеко, а розум ще далі. Минають дні, роки, і вже століття засвідчують реалії буття.