A nominative sentence is a variant of one-member structures: it has neither subject nor predicate. It is called nominative or nominal because its basic (head) component is a noun or a noun-like element (gerund, numeral). Classification. There are such structural types of nominative sentences as: 1. Unextended nominative sentences consisting of a single element: Morning. April. Problems. 2. Extended nominative sentences consisting of the basic component and Nice morning. Late April. Horribly great problems. 3. Multicomponent nominative sentences containing two or more basic el- ements: Late April and horribly great problems. Далина. Далечінь. Світлодаль... У мандрівку збирається молодь. Невпинне, безжальне, вперте обертання. Мовчазна безнадійність руху. Безмежний простір, безкінечні небеса, виспів птаства, дзюркіт струмочків, пречиста весняна зелень, перші квіти. Communicative functions. A sequence of nominative sentences makes for dynamic description of events. Sets of nominative sentences are used to expressively depict the time of the action, the place of the action, the attendant circumstances of the action, the participants of the action. APOSIOPESIS (BREAK-IN-THE-NARRATIVE) Like ellipsis, aposiopesis is also realized through incompleteness of sentence structure, though this incompleteness is of different structural and semantic nature:it appears when the speaker is unwilling to proceed and breaks off his narration abruptly: If you go on like this... Ну, взяв би і написав по-російському. А то... Я ось йому покажу, де раки зимують. Буде він у мене... Так ви самі їдете? А якже... Голова правління їх утихомирює, а вони... Assigned features. The information implied by aposiopesis is usually clear in communicative situation. Break-in-the-narrative expresses such modal meanings as threat, warning, doubt, indecision, excitement, and promise. Note. Aposiopesis should not be confused with unintentional break in the narrative, when the speaker does not know what to say. Unintentional break off is of no stylistic significance, though it may serve as an indirect evidence of the speaker's confusion, his being at a loss. "5
It is deliberate omission of structurally significant conjunctions and connectives: John couldn't have done such a silly thing, he is enough clever for that. Fathers, mothers, uncles, cousins. Cocking tails and pricking whiskers,... We had heard planes coining, seen them pass overhead, watched them go far to the left, heard them bombing... Механізм справді був простий, зручний, корисний. Пан директор сміється, сміється сонце, сміюсь і я. Я знаю: в призначений долею вечір напророчать дорогу мені три зозулі в саду. Communicative functions. Asyndeton makes speech dynamic and expressive. Sometimes it implies the speaker's haste, nervousness and impatience.