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In which sub-variety of spoken or written English do these belong?

• Dear Mum, Hope you're OK.

0 I swear by Almighty God to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

• "Ahoy there!"

• It is with extreme regret that I have to inform you of my resignation from the Party.

• To be, or not to be; that is the question.

• Mom had gotten us each a cookie from the store that morning.

Assignment 1. Match the following notions with their features: /) style, 2) norm, 3) context, 4) expressive means, 5) stylistic devices, 6) image:

a) phonetic, morphological, lexical, and syntactic units and forms which are used in speech to intensify the meaning of the utterance, to make it emphatic;

b)a set of certain rules which in a certain epoch and in a certain society is considered to be most correct and standard for a definite functional style;

c) a subsystem of the principles, extralinguistic circumstances, and the effect of the usage of phonetic, morphological, lexical, and syntactic language means of expressing human thoughts and emotions;

d)reflection of reality in linguistic and extralinguistic contexts from the speaker's/ writer's point of view;

e) phonetic, morphological, lexical and syntactic figures of speech formed on the basis of language units and forms;

f) linguistic or situational encirclement of a language unit in which it finds itself in speech.

Assignment 2. Attribute properly the object of studying to the following types of stylistics: 1) linguistic, 2) communicative, 3) coding, 4) decoding, 5) literary, 6) contrastive:

a) studies the individual style of the author;

b) deals with the stylistic expressive means of a certain literary work or author, or literary trend;

c) investigates the peculiarities of functional styles and expressive means of language;


d) deals with text interpretation which is based upon certain objective language codes;

e) studies real texts and their communicative potential;

f) investigates stylistic potentialities of two or more languages in comparison.

Assignment 3. Point out subtypes for the following types of context:

a) linguistic, b) stylistic, c) situational.

Assignment 4. Match the types of linguistic context with their characteristics: 1) microcontext, 2) macrocontext, 3) megacontext, d) sty­listic context:

a) a context which contains unpredictable, untypical of a certain style language unit(s);

b) a context of a chapter, a story, or the whole book;

c) a context of a single utterance;

d) a context of a paragraph in a text.

Assignment 5. Decide what branch of linguistics stylistics is con­nected with [ 1) phonetics, 2) lexicology, 3) grammar] when it studies:

a) vocabulary, its development in language, expressiveness of semantic structure of words, semantic relations between words;

b) stylistically coloured words, word combinations, sentences and texts;

c) emotional expressiveness of sound repetition, stresses, articulation, intonation, rhyme, speech rhythm.

Assignment 6. Explain how semantics of the compounds depend on their phonetics (pronunciation):

1) overwork ('extra work', 'hard work inquiring one's health');

2) bookcase ('a paper cover for books', 'a piece of furniture with shelves for books');

3) mankind ('the human race', 'men' [contrasted with women]).

Assignment 7. Analyse dependence of semantics on the gram­matical meaning of plurality in the folowing vocabulary:

still lifes ф still lives; cloth basket Ф clothes basket; good train Ф goods train; saving bank Ф savings bank.

Assignment 8. Review the two verses and put forvard the argu­ments which disclose the connection of stylistics with other branches 0f linguistics:

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 2219. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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