Assignments for stylistic analysis. 1. Define what neutral word [a) drunkard, b) mad
1. Define what neutral word [a) drunkard, b) mad. c) disobedient] slang equivalents substitute in the passage above.
2. 3. Is there any emotional or qualitative climax in the extract? How doth words "No, he is not!" fit all the other exclamations? 4. What is the sentence structure in the direct speech - simple/ cornno ite, complete/ elliptical? Do the exclamations manifest any definite style of language? What exactly? 5. What is the tone of speech in this extract: formal/ semiformal/ infor. mal/ conversational/ casual/ sympathetic/ cheerful/ vigorous/ serious/ humor-ous/ mock-serious/ lyrical/ dramatic/ excited/ agitated/ passionate/ impassive/ detached/ matter-of-fact/ dry/ impartial/ melancholy/ moralising/ unemotional/ pathetic/ sarcastic/ ironical/ sneering/ bitter/ reproachful, etc.? 6. What is: a) the basic theme, b) the idea of the episode? Item 2 Reporter - "Madam, you may recollect that we printed yesterday your denial of having retracted the contradiction of your original statement. Would you care to have us say that you were misquoted in regard to it?"