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Assignments for stylistic analysis. 1. Define the theme and the idea disclosed in the extract.

1. Define the theme and the idea disclosed in the extract.

2. Analyse what prevails in the extract - (1st/ 3rd person) narration or description. Apply the notions of "modality" and "point of view" to the episode.

3. Characterise stylistic syntax of the introductory part of the extract: "// was Miss Murdstone who was arrived, and a gloomy-looking lady she was; dark, like her brother, whom she greatly resembled in face and voice; and with very heavy eyebrows, nearly meeting over her large nose...";

4. Recognise the type and define the function of the repetition of the proper name Miss Murdstone.


5. Say whether this surname can be considered antonomasia.

6. Point out the words and phrases which characterise Miss Murdstone as "a metallic lady". Indicate the stylistic devices used in the clause: "she kept the purse in a very jail of a bag which hung upon her arm by a heavy chain, and shut up like a bite". What functions do they perform in presenting the character? Define the formed image.


Item 5

Little Miss Peecher, from her little official dwelling-house, with its little windows like the eyes in needles, and its little doors like the covers of school-books, was very observant indeed of the object of her quiet affections. Love though said to be afflicted with blindness, is a vigilant watchman, and Miss Peecher kept him on double duty over Mr. Bradley Headstone. It was not that she was naturally given to playing the spy - it was not that she was at all secret, plotting, or mean - it was simply that she loved the unresponsive Bradley with all the primitive and homely stock of love that had never been examined or certificated out of her.

[...] Though all unseen and unsuspected by the pupils, Bradley Head­stone even pervaded the school exercises. Was Geography in question? He would come triumphantly flying out of Vesuvius and Atna ahead of the lava, and would boil unharmed in the hot springs of Iceland, and would float majes­tically down the Ganges and the Nile. Did History chronicle a king of men? Behind him in pepper-and-salt pantaloons, with his watch-guard round his neck. Were copies to be written? In capital B's and H's most of the girls under Miss Peecher's tuition were half a year ahead of every other letter in the alphabet. And Mental Arithmetic, administered by Miss Peecher, often devoted itself to providing Bradley Headstone with a wardrobe of fabulous extent; fourscore and four neck-ties at two and ninepence-halfpenny, two gross of silver watches at four pounds fifteen and sixpence, seventy-four black at eighteen shillings; and many similar superfluities.

The vigilant watchman, using his daily opportunities of turning his eyes in Bradley's direction, soon apprized Miss Peecher that Bradley was more preoc­cupied than had been his want and more given to strolling about with a down­cast and reserved face, turning something difficult in his mind that was not in the scholastic syllabus. Putting this and that together - combining under the head "this," present appearances and the intimacy with Charley Hexam, and ranging under the head "that" - the visit to his sister, the watchman reported to Miss Peecher his strong suspicions that the sister was at the bottom of it.

From Charles Dickens' Our Mutual Friend

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 794. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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