EXERCISES ON PREPOSITIONS AND ADVERBS. Ex. 8. Learn the following phrases and a) recall the sentences in which they are used in the text, b) use them in sentences of your own.
Ex. 8. Learn the following phrases and a) recall the sentences in which they are used in the text, b) use them in sentences of your own.
belong to; slow down; pull up (at); arrive/come in a car; at the wheel; in smb's arms; in the back/front; have trouble with; break down; go wrong with; climb out; with care; tear oneself away from; in high spirits; be proud of; fight for; worry about; on the point of doing smth; with a nod; pull on gloves; give out a groan (a shriek of laughter); sink to the ground; on street level; pick oneself up; at a loss; with sadness; take smb by the arm; point to; with pride; on foot; calm down.
Ex. 9. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs: A. 1. We shall continue our way... foot as soon as the storm calms The roads here are too bad for cars. 2. Say something to cheer her she's... low spirits today. 3. I called the wrong number... accident. 4.'You needn't worry... little things, it's the big things that are important. 5. "You can use my telephone," the secretary told me... a nod the telephone... the desk. 6. Something went wrong... my car the other day, I couldn't get it started. 7. They cleared the road... the remains... the broken car so that traffic could move. 8. Pointing... a comfortable chair he said: "Make yourself at home." 9. He still stuck... his story which did not change after many repetitions. 10. As she pulled... the gloves she looked... the room... the last time to see if she hadn't left anything.... 11. The baby calmed... as soon as he was... his mother's arms. 12. The doctors had a long and hard fight... her life. 13. He took the blind man... the arm and led him... the street. 14. If you are... doubt... the route, have another look... the map. 15. Of the two bags he usually took... him... any trip, one was always packed... books. 16. Before taking a decision we must clear the matter...... them. 17. He no longer seems to care... football as he once did. 18. She was... the point... saying something, but changing her mind remained silent. 19. Standing there... the middle... the big hall he felt... a loss and for a moment did not know how to start his speech. 20. The car was going... full speed. B. Barry belonged... a number... clubs. He was proud... his collection... membership cards and often took them...... his wallet... the day to look... them. Now after changing his job Barry had 25 pounds a week to spend... himself. He had left the garage... Nick's care. He didn't see much point... going on working there. Why waste any more years... a job that gave him nine pounds a week only? Now... the wheel... his new car he was driving... James' restaurant. He liked driving... London late... night when the roads were clear... traffic and he didn't have to be careful or afraid... an accident. He slowed... and pulled...... the curb arriving... the restaurant. James came hurrying... to meet him. Barry climbed...... the car. "Come..., and have a drink," James invited. Barry followed him.... It was a warm, smoky place that smelt of rich cigars and perfume. One could run into all kinds of famous people there. Barry stared... each of the women-diners as he walked... a place... the bar which James had pointed.... (after "Jack Would Be a Gentleman" by G. Freeman)
Ex. 10. Give the English for the following phrases, using the preposition "to" in its different meanings. Use the phrases in sentences of your own.
I. а) поехать в Ленинград (на Дальний Восток, на север, к морю, за город); переехать в другой район; пойти на почту (в магазин); повернуть направо (налево); поспешить (броситься) к кому-л; отвести к врачу; по пути в город; по дороге в институт; поездка в горы; вход в парк; б) ходить в школу; лечь в больницу; пойти на рынок. II. повыситься до 20 градусов, упасть до нуля (о температуре); понизиться до шепота (о голосе); считать до десяти; подойти к концу повествования; привести к победе. III. без двадцати шесть; без четверти пять; по сей день; до конца; от понедельника до субботы; от апреля до сентября; от начала до конца. IV. а) разговаривать с кем-л; написать письмо другу; крикнуть кому-л; позвонить кому-л; послать письмо (телеграмму) друзьям; слушать кого-л; обратиться к кому-л за помощью; б) представлять большой интерес (много значить, быть существенным, важным) для кого-л; приключиться с кем-л. V. быть горьким на вкус (теплым на ощупь, неприятным на слух); радовать глаз; быть по вкусу кому-л. VI. к чьему-л удивлению (разочарованию, восторгу, удовольствию). VII. а) быть вежливым (добрым, внимательным, безразличным, холодным, милым) к кому-л; быть благодарным кому-л; б) описать чью-л внешность кому-л; продиктовать письмо секретарю; объяснить правила уличного движения кому-л; доказать что-то кому-л. VIII. а) приходиться двоюродным братом кому-л; быть верным другом кому-л; оставаться чужим человеком для кого-л; быть замужем за кем-л; быть женатым на ком-л; б) быть ассистентом у профессора (секретарем директора).