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Participle I

Ex. 20. Study the forms of Participle I and the way they are rendered in Russian

non-perfect*   He listened in, lying on the sofa. Arriving in Leningrad we went sightseeing at once.   She went out closing the door behind her.   Он слушал радио, лежана диване. Приехав в Ленинград, мы сразу же отправились осмат­ривать город. Она вышла, закрыв за собой дверь.  
non- perfect They went along the path leading to the river. A crowd of children watched the house being painted.   Они шли по тропинке, веду­щей к реке. Толпа детей наблюдала, как красили дом.    
— t-4 perfect     Having packed my things I went to call a taxi. 7. Having been examined** by the doctor, they were allowed to join the sports club.   Упаковав вещи, я пошел вызвать такси. После того как их осмотрелврач, им разрешили вступить в спортивный клуб.  



Ex. 21. Give all the possible forms of Participle 1 to the following in­finitives:


to put, to open, to strike, to push, to arrive, to hear, to stop, to enter, to finish, to live


Ex. 22. Give attributive phrases using Participle I and explain them ' according to the model. Translate the phrases into Russian.


Model: (a) a child; to sleep (b) a sleeping child

a sleeping child a child that is sleeping

a fish; to fly a flying fish

a flying fish a fish that can fly (that flies)


1. a woman; to smile 2. children; to laugh 3. a look; to understand; 4. a building; to burn 5. a lamp; to stand 6. a man; to know 7. a ship; to sink 8. indifference; to seem 9. a story; to touch 10. a thought; to disturb 11. interest; to grow 12. light; to blind 13. winter; to come 14. a crowd; to cheer 15. a machine; to add 16. a page; to miss 17. a bus; to pass 18. eyes; to search 19. a remark; to cut 20. a look; to question


Ex. 23. Open the brackets, using the correct form of Participle I. Trans­late the sentences into Russian.


1. She sat in a comfortable armchair (to smoke) a cigarette. 2. (to put) aside the newspaper, she raised her eyes at me. 3. We watched the delegation (to show) into the hall. 4. (to visit) the museum before, I knew my way easily. 5. (to rise), the secretary put down the newspaper. 6. (to stop) before the traffic lights, he saw to his surprise it was almost eight o'clock. 7. (to work) as a taxi-driver for twenty years, he knew every little corner of the town. 8. I felt the car pick up speed, (to look) over at the speedometer, I noticed we were making a hundred. 9. The house (to build) at the corner of the street will be a library.

Ex. 24. Replace the parts in bold type by Participle I (non-perfect form, active) according to the model.


M o d e l I She looked down at her son who was sleeping on the sofa.

(attribute)She looked down at her son sleeping on the sofa.


1. They passed a group of workers who were repairing the road. 2. He will leave at 10, just in time to meet the train that will arrive at 10.30. 3. It always gives me pleasure to help students who work hard. 4. The windows that face the garden were open. 5. We drove up to the front door of a tall house which stood a little back from the road. 6. Near the dock he ran into asailor who was returning from town. 7. I've received a letter from him which says that he is coming next month. 8. He couldn't fall asleep because of the noise that was coming from the street. 9. He threw aside the letter that was lying on top and picked up the next. 10. She got on the train that was going to Moscow.


M o d e l II That night while he was walking down the

(adverbial modifier of avenue he wished most of all to meet her.

time) (While) Walking down the avenue, he wished

most of all to meet her.

1. While she was clearing the table she thought of the uselessness of such parties. 2. When I saw that it was useless to argue with him, I dropped the subject. 3. He got off at Sverdlov Square, and walked fast towards the Bolshoi Theatre, 4. When he arrived at the station, he didn't find anyone to meet him. 5. The girl took a sheet of paper and wrote the first words that came into her head. 6. Then she stopped suddenly, as she remembered the presence of the children. 7. As he pulled up at the house, he was surprised to see no light in the windows. 8. While grandfather was enjoying the smoke he thought over his present situa­tion.9. When he saw them, he stopped to let them catch up with him. 10. As she entered the garden, she saw her father repairing the car.


M o d e l III (1) As he was busy, he refused the invitation.

(adverbial modifier of Being busy, he refused the invitation.

reason) (2) She turned to me for help because she did not know how to deal with the problem. She turned to me for help, not knowing hiw to deal with the problem.

1. He saw his mistake and stopped arguing. 2. As she was very tired,she fell asleep the moment her head touched the pillow. 3. As he was sure that he was right, he felt calm and undisturbed. 4. She stopped, she didn't know which way to follow. 5. He decided to change his job, because he was not fit for it.


M о d e 1 IV He went out and closed the door behind him.

(adverbial modifier of He went out closing the door behind him.

manner or attending



1. "I would rather start for the station immediately," she said and looked up at the clock. 2. He sat by the open window and watched the people passing by. 3. She answered all my questions calmly and tried to look indifferent. 4. They stood on the doorstep and watched the car as it drove away. 5. He entered the room, he whistled gaily. 6. He stood before the house where he grew as a child and thought of many things. 7. She lay on the sofa and listened to the radio. 8. He smoked all the time and usually lighted a fresh cigarette from the end of the last.

Ex. 25. Paraphrase the parts in bold type, using Participle I (perfect form, active*)


1. After they had repaired the car, they drove on, though it was past midnight. 2. When I packed all my things, I still had enough time to write a few letters. 3. They were old friends, they had been at school together. 4. For an hour or so he watched a lovely film that he knew by heart, as he had seen it at least ten times. 5. When he was told that he would go there by plane, he felt excited, as he had never travelled by air before. 6. When we had reached the top of the mountain, we sank to the ground, too tired to do anything. 7. After he had worked at the Institute for five years, he decided to take a postgraduate course.

Ex. 26. Paraphrase the parts in bold. type using Participle I (passive form).


1. The experiment which is being made in our laboratory will be very important for our future work. 2. The letter was written in pencil, it was difficult to read. 3. They looked at the house which was being built on the other side of the river. 4. As he was not allowed to read, he most­ly spent his time listening to the radio. 5. He asked for additional explanation as he was not satisfied with the answer.

Ex. 27. Translate the following sentences using Participle I in the cor­rect form.

1. Дав ему обещание, я не мог не прийти. 2. Прослужив в ар­мии два года, он вернулся взрослым человеком. 3. «Я бы хотела, чтобы меня поняли правильно», сказала она, улыбаясь. 4. Она си­дела молча, уставившись на огонь. 5. Окна, которые выходили на мост, были открыты. 6. Узнав меня, она крикнула, чтобы я оста­новился и подождал ее. 7. Так как он сам был веселым человеком,он умел подбодрить и других. 8. Чтобы успеть на поезд, который прибывает в 8 утра, она должна была встать очень рано. 9. Домик, который стоял в стороне от дороги, принадлежал учителю школы. 10. Он понял свою ошибку и перестал спорить. 11. Подходя к дому,он увидел, как погас свет на первом этаже. 12. Дорога, которая сейчас ремонтируется, будет значительно шире после ремонта. 13. Войдя в комнату, она сразу заметила какую-то перемену. 14. Закон­чив лекцию, профессор оглядел аудиторию, ожидая вопросов. 15. Под­ходя к дому, я вспомнила, что забыла опустить письмо. 16. Узнав меня, он подошел к нашей группе и попросил разрешения присоединить­ся к нам. 17. Будучи в хорошем расположении духа,он был весел и разговорчив.

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