Participle II. Ex. 28. Study the use of Participle II in the following sentences, state their functions.*
Ex. 28. Study the use of Participle II in the following sentences, state their functions.*
Ex. 29. (a) Compare Participle I and Participle II in the following attributive phrases; (b) translate them into Russian; (c) explain them according to the model.
Model: (1) A burning cigarette: a cigarette that is burning; a burnt letter: a letter that has been burnt. (2) a promising student: a student that is talented and promises to become a good specialist. a promised trip: a trip that has been promised.
1. disturbing silence — disturbed silence; 2. a hurting remark — a hurt look; 3. a sinking ship — a sunk ship; 4. a pleasing smile — a pleased smile; 5. a stopping train — a stopped train; 6. a surprising expression — a surprised expression; 7. a frightening look — a frightened look; 8. an exciting film — an excited child.
Ex. 30. Paraphrase the parts in bold type using Participle II according to pattern 3 in the chart.
1. There were a lot of foreign guests at the conference that was held in May. 2. The first thing that attracted his attention was a big vase that was filled with beautiful roses. 3. We sat down on the ground that was covered with dry leaves. 4. I reached for the glass that was held out to me. 5. He looked around the coffee-shop that was packed with people and moved to the table that was marked "Reserved". 6. Entering the station I saw a hurrying man who was followed by a porter. 7. They all had to obey the instructions that were given by the head clerk. 8. He acted on the plan that had been worked out a long time ago. 9. She didn't want to see him for reasons that had already been mentioned.
Ex. 31. Translate the following sentences, using Participle II.
1. У него был очень испуганный вид. 2. Эта телеграмма пришла вместе с почтой, доставленной утром. 3. Я с трудом нес чемодан, набитый книгами. 4. Он ни за что не хотел тратить деньги, отложенные на поездку. 5. Метод, используемый этим рабочим, был подхвачен всеми. 6. У нее был взволнованный вид. 7. Он оглядел сад с довольной улыбкой. 8. Подходя к столу, он увидел на нем письмо, адресованное ему. 9. Когда я вошел в комнату, он собирал с пола кусочки разбитой чашки. 10. Хорошо одетый незнакомец сразу привлек наше внимание. 11. Вещи, которые были уже упакованы, лежали на полу около дверей. 12. Сделанный на заказ костюм сидел на нем очень хорошо.
A Complex Object With Participle II
Ex. 32. Study the following chart, translate the sentences into Russian.
Ex. 33. Answer the following questions using a complex object with Participle II.
1. How often do you have your hair cut? 2. When did you last have your hair cut? 3. Where did he have his watch repaired? 4. How often do you have your teeth examined? 5. Where does she have her clothes made? 6. When will they have this job done? 7. When did he have his suit cleaned? 8. Where can I have my coat shortened?
Ex. 34. Paraphrase the following sentences according to the model, watch the difference in meaning.
Model: (a) I'll make somebody do this job. I'll have this job done. (b) She wants to shorten her dress. She wants to have her dress shortened.
1. He wants his dinner to be served at 5. 2. They'll discuss this problem at the meeting. 3. When does he want to send this telegram? 4. We want to finish this work by the end of the month. 5. The print of the manuscript is too small. He doesn't want to ruin his eyes. 6. I want to do my hair in a new style.
Ex. 35. Practise the following according to the model.
Model: My hair has grown long. (to cut) I must have it cut.
1. He has a terrible toothache. The tooth has gone too far (to pull out). 2. My watch is five minutes slow (to repair). 3. His suit is already dirty. He mustn't wear it like that (to send it to the cleaner's). 4. There is some trouble with the gearbox (to put it right). 5. We are leaving tomorrow (to pack; all the things). 6. Her teeth are uneven (to straighten). 7. Their house looks ugly (to repaint). Ex. 36. Translate the following sentences using a complex object with Participle II.
1. Когда мы пришли, все ее вещи были упакованы. 2. Вам необходимо подстричься. 3. Вам следует отремонтировать свои часы. Тогда вы, может быть, не будете опаздывать. 4. Ей хочется сшить новое пальто. 5. Мне только что вырвали зуб. 6. У вас что-то серьезное с рукой. Вам надо показать ее врачу. 7. Мы должны рассмотреть этот вопрос в понедельник. 8. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы мои распоряжения выполнялись.