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VOCABULARY EXERCISES. Ex. 13- Fill in the blanks with a suitable word in the correct form

Ex. 13- Fill in the blanks with a suitable word in the correct form. Trans­late the sentences into Russian.

to annoy; annoying (2); to borrow; charm; to fear; to fuss; intel­ligence; intelligent; to occur; ordinary; to pile; room (2); sense (2); sensible; to suspect; suspicion; temper; to treat; treatment


1. She... the matter lightly, as if it were of no importance. 2. We arrived to find them in the middle of their packing, the whole place... with boxes and packages of all size. 3. At the time her words made lit­tle... to me, I was to understand their full meaning much later. 4. He had the... habit of... books and then forgetting to return them. 5. There were some cold stares her way. If earlier she had only... that people were talking behind her back, now she knew it for certain. 6. You may disagree with the author's... of the problem, but still there seems to be a lot of... in his approach. 7. The girl's real... was not in her looks, which happened to be quite..., but in her manner. 8. Whenever she vis­ited her aunts they would... about her as if she were a little girl. It was terribly...! 9. The new assistant was everything the manager had hoped for and even more, he was quick,... and hard-working. 10. The suggestions he had made were quite... and we saw no reason why they shouldn't be accepted. 11. She had the two things that so seldom go together—beauty and.... 12. A seemingly unimportant incident..., and if it hadn't been for a well-wishing friend, he would have let it pass unnoticed. 13. She read the letter and all became clear. There was no longer... for doubt. 14. He was certain to have been... by the inter­ruption, but he never showed it. 15. Failing to get a reply to my tele­gram, I began to... the worst. 16. He had never expected his honesty to be doubted and himself treated with.... 17. He wished he could learn to keep his... when dealing with people. 18. He moved up to make... for another person.


Ex. 14. Paraphrase the following, using words and word combinations from the text, and making all necessary changes.

common sense; had better; to put smb off (3); to make a fuss; to turn up; to borrow; to treat; to occur (2); to be up to smb; to annoy; to settle down; to talk sense; no sense in doing smth; fearless; suspicion; by all means; to go on


1. It had been our idea and it was for us to make the necessary ar­rangements. 2. He finally appeared, looking extremely disturbed. 3. What she needs is a little more practical knowledge of life. 4. His very first failure at the competitions made him give up sports. 5. She continued talking as if nothing had happened. 6, I wished she would stop asking those silly questions which only made people angry. 7. I asked if I could have the use of his car for a couple of hours. 8. She had promised to do it for certain. 9. The accident took place shortly after our arrival. 10. He was full of determination to finish the job and no difficulties could stop him. 11. We thought that the best thing for him to do would be to look upon the whole matter as a joke. 12. We all agreed it was about time he got married and had a home of his own. 13. The matter was small and unimportant and we just couldn't understand why he got all nervous and excited about it. 14. I had my doubts about his honesty and good will but decided to keep them to myself for a time. 15. It's useless trying to prove something to a person who won't listen. 16. It came into my head that probably my friend had meant well and it was no fault of his if things went wrong at the last moment. 17. At last, I remarked to myself with satisfaction, the fellow was saying something worth listening to.


Ex. 15. Speak on the following topics, using the words and phrases given below.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 840. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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