In the Train
An American lady; two other passengers; a fast train; a sleeping car; a compartment; a porter; to pull up (down) the window-blind; to make oneself comfortable; to have the seats made into beds for the night; to get off the train; to walk a little way along the platform; to stay near the steps of the car; for fear of; to be left behind; to leave with no signal of departure; to be afraid of the speed (a wreck).
From Palermo to Paris to take a train; to travel first (second, etc) class; to speed across the country; to cover many miles; in the south; to see the sea occasionally; far below against the rocks; further north; to change (of the city); flat fields of grapes; greystone hills; on the way; to stop at Marseilles, Avignon; to slow down; to follow one track through many others; to pull into (out of) the station; to cross a river; to pass through many outside of Paris towns; big advertisements on the walls toward the train; to near Paris.
Arrival In Paris to come into Paris; to arrive safely; to have a comfortable journey; to have no complaints about the service; to get down the bags; to hand the bags to the porter; to pile the luggage on a truck; to go out on to the platform; to say goodbye to one's fellow-passengers; to give up one's ticket to the man at the gate.