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The Syntactic Function of the Gerund

Ex. 18. Study the following chart. Translate the sentences into Russian.

subject 1. It's no use arguing with her. 2. His* being so slow is very annoying.
predi-cative 3. What annoys me is his being careless.
direct object 4. I don't mind your including this book in the list. 5. He suggests getting in touch with her as soon as possible.
prepo-sitional object 6. He insists on doing the job himself. 7. I am thinking of writing to him.
attri-bute 8. I don't see the reason for his complaining about it.


Ex. 19. Paraphrase the parts in bold type using gerundial phrases, mind the prepositions.

1. That she is so fussy is not a little unpleasant. 2. What surprised everybody was that he was able to do it. 3. The doctor insists that she should put off the trip. 4. We don't mind if we go there by train. 5. He suspected that I knew the truth. 6. There is no doubt that he is intel­ligent. 7. He suggests that we should watch the football match oh TV instead of going to the stadium.


Ex. 20. Make one sentence out of the following pairs of sentences by using gerundial phrases. The part in bold type is to become the predicate.

1. He is clever. There is no doubt about it. 2. Why waste time on such things? There is no sense in that. 3. He solves cross-word puzzles very well. He is good at it. 4. He likes to talk music. He gets pleasure out of it. 5. The child usually drinks milk before going to bed. He'ls used to it. 6. He has an annoying habit. He mispronounces names. 7. You were running a risk. You might have caught cold. 8. You can't tfeat him like a child. It's no use.


Ex. 21. Make up sentences using gerundial phrases according to the model.

M o d e l: (a) to be tired of (b) to argue

I am tired of arguing.

1. (a) to be good at (b) to make friends. 2. (a) to be busy* (b) to ar­range an exhibition of the best photos of the year. 3. (a) to be proud of (b) to be a pilot. 4. (a) to be tired (b) to quarrel with smb. 5. (a) to be afraid of** (b) to catch a cold. 6. (a) to be fond of (b) to dance. 7. (a) to be sure of (b) to be ill. 8. to be ashamed of*** (b) to be impolite to smb. 9. (a) to be worth (b) to remember.


Ex. 22. Study the following char.**** Translate the sentences into Russian.

an adverbial modifier of time 1. On (upon) seeing me on the other side of the street he shouted to me. 2. In copying the text he missed a line. 3. After finishing his work he went for a walk. 4. Before taking action you had better make inquiries.
an adverbial modifier of manner or attending circumstances 5. He left without letting us know. 6. I upset all their plans by refusing to come.


A. An Adverbial Modifier of time

Ex. 23. Replace adverbial clauses of time by gerundial phrases.

1. When he arrived at the airport, he went to the left-luggage office first thing. 2. When he was looking through the documents he came across a very interesting photograph. 3. After he had packed all the things he phoned for a taxi. 4. She hesitated before she entered the room. 5. When I was passing their house, I noticed that all the windows were dark. 6. After they settled down they started enjoying the place. 7. When I learned the results of the competition I rushed to the telephone-booth. 8. When he reached the village, he slowed down. 9. Before she rose from table she made me a sign to follow her. 10. When she left school, she got a job at the post-office.


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