Mr. Brown got to a hotel late in the evening after a long journey. He asked the receptionist if there were any vacant rooms in the hotel. At that moment another traveller came to the hotel and asked the receptionist for a room, too. The only vacant room was a double room. At first the travellers didn’t want to spend the night in that room together but then it began to rain hard and they changed their minds. Mr. Brown was sleeping peacefully when he suddenly heard a loud noise. He asked another traveller what the matter was. In a weak voice the second traveller said that he had asthma and felt very bad. He asked Mr. Brown to open the window as soon as possible. Mr. Brown jumped out of bed and began looking for his matches, but he couldn't find them in the dark, and the sick man went on moaning. Mr. Brown didn’t find the matches, so he tried to find the window. It took him some time, and at last he found it! But he couldn’t open it. The voice of the traveller became weaker and weaker, Mr. Brown in horror took a chair and broke the window with it. The sick man immediately stopped moaning and said that he was very grateful and that he felt better. Then the two of them slept peacefully until morning. When they woke up next morning, they saw that the only window in the room was still closed, but the large mirror was broken to pieces.
I've been waiting for an hour
And she's not here yet
Maybe she's stood me up
It's been raining all the time and my hair is wet
Now I feel fed up
I've been seeing her for over two weeks now
I thought she was mine, all mine
We've been going out dancing
almost every night
I thought everything was fine
nagging works нытье работает
maid горничная
annoying [ə'nɔɪɪŋ] раздражающий
view[vju:] вид; пейзаж
annoy раздражать,
fiancé жених
fiancée невеста
to ask smb out приглашать к-то на свидание
available[əˈveɪləbl] доступный to be anxious тревожиться (about smth)
permission разрешение
pass away die
ink stain пятно от чернил
tear out вырывать
blurry неясный, размытый
fair справедливый
blame smb for smth обвинять кого-то в чем-то
miss smb скучать по к-либо
bra бюстгальтер
rip разрыв, рвать(ся)
quit[kwit](a job) оставлять, бросать
loud[laʊd] громкий
Little Red Riding HoodКрасная Шап.
| under suspicionпод подозрением
seriously wounded[ˈwuːndɪd] серьезно ранен
pay a visit навестить
recall вспоминать
fur [f3ːʳ] мех, меховой
elderlyстарый, пожилой
journey путешествие
change … mind[maɪnd]передумать
peacefully мирно, спокойно
suddenly внезапно, вдруг
loud noise громкий звук, шум
what’s the matter? В чем дело?
in additionк тому же
look for искать
moanреветь, плакать
internationally famous
всемирно известный
How much is he like the hero?
Насколько он похож на героя?
to be close to someone
быть близким к к.-л.
to be good at languages
иметь талант к изуч.языков
to feel boredскучать
join smthприсоединяться
| at least he knewпо крайней мере он знал
adv er tisement (ad)реклама
advert i seрекламировать
commercialреклама (на ТВ)
with the help of this с пом. Этого
In ten yearsчерез 10 лет
well-paid jobхорошо оплач. работа
standard of livingуровень жизни
white lieневинная ложь
immediatelyтотчас же, сразу
Every man for himselfкаждый сам за себя
average средний, обыкновенный;
once in a while иногда, время от времени
similar qualities ['kwɔlətɪs] одинаковые качества
| to be stuck doing the same thing застрять, делая одно и тоже
out of из
kinda = kind of что-то типа
grouchy[ˈɡraʊtʃi] ворчливый
moody угрюмый, c переменчивым настроением
LOL Laughing Out Loud я умираю от смеха
explore [ɪk'splɔː] изучать, исследовать
sense of humor ['hjuːmə] чувство юмора
outgoing общительный it is up to you это ваше дело
cute симпатичный, милый
creative [krɪ'eɪtɪv] креативный
appreciate[ə'priːʃɪeɪt] ценить
fave= favorite
sensual [ˈsenʃuəl] чувственный
to be in a good mood быть в хорошем настроении
get in touch with
связаться с
award[ə'wɔːd] награда
| look forward to Ving ждать с нетерпением
делать ч-т
adventurous[ədˈventʃərəs] любящий приключения
snoopy чрезмерно любопытный
pull тянуть
cope with совладать, справляться с
admit признавать
look back оглядываться
fair[feə] светлый; справедливый
caring внимательный, заботливый
sincere[sɪnˈsɪə] искренний
supportive поддерживающий
honesty честность
although [ɔːlˈðəʊ] хотя
hang out зависать, проводить время
desire желание
embarrass смущать
power власть
wealth богатство