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Fear of particles to lose the most important to them energy contacts often takes on the character of struggle with those other organisms that are for the particles direct or indirect threat.

Negative information – this is information about the organism or from its side, carrying the danger for the organism, perceiving it.

A threat – it is a danger or separation of the particles from the conglomerate, of which it is part (or separation of its smaller conglomerate from the bigger conglomerate, for example, from the chemical element of the body), or the destruction of the conglomerate.

A direct threat – it’s a danger of the power effects on the body that will cause its destruction.

An indirect threat – this is the danger of involving the body in situations that entail its destruction from the third forces (for example, the shortfall in food for animals, lack of heat or its excess, as for plants and animals).

The fighting of conglomerate of particles (of the body) with other organisms can take many forms. In this – there is the entire history of our planet. It’s a constant war of all with all.

This may be as a direct power struggle of individuals, and avoidance of the body of the particles and conglomerates that are capable of causing it harm, disrupt its integrity.

At the same time the organisms want to be as close as possible to that which contributes to their prosperity, security and well-being.

Predator is committed to its victims. Animals and plants co-exist side by side, when it suits them. Animals form groups, if it leads to increased survival rates. Parents stay with their cubs and support them, because it increases the species as a whole (they see the joeys as part of themselves, because they are genetically transmitted to them their own Information).

We can continue for a long time and refine the list, in which we will give examples of cases where organisms tend to live together.

As you can see, there is a very interesting feature. Any free particle absorbing the Ether has nothing against to be identified with absolutely any source of Information. Any perceived information will be for it near and dear. However, the same can’t be said of the particles within the conglomerates. That body, in which it now resides, is of paramount importance for.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 517. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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