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In the processes of identifying the particles Yin (Matter) are the led, guided, that is, they are identified, while exactly the particles Yang (Spirit) guide them, i.e. identify them.

This rule is very clear, and excluding from it can be only the case when the particle Yin moves by inertia (and, therefore, has the Field of Repulsion, that becomes Yang on the move).

After that it collides with a stationary particle Yang and passes to it by this way its information

Only in this case, the particles Yin can subdue Yang particles – to identify them with themselves.

In all other situations, when the Yin does not emit the Energy and absorb, is it Yang – a source of Information, identifying origin and Yin – is the receiver, identified origin.

Exactly this Rule is dedicated all the second volume of "Esoteric Psychology," written by Alice Bailey.

Now as regards for submission of lower to the higher.

This part of the Rule refers to the particles not in the free state, but as part of conglomerates (bodies).

We can assume that the whole manifested Universe – it is also a great body, and it also subordinates to this Rule.

Within the Universe the lower Plans are subject to the highest, as in the lower Plans the percentage of particles Yang is smaller and the value of Fields of Repulsion is less.

While the Yin particles in the composition of these Plans are more, and the value of their Fields of Attraction is more too.

Within the Universe the Ether is moving from the periphery to the center, and, therefore, to a great measure the particles of the lower Plans are identified with information of upper ones than the reverse.

In conglomerates of particles, for example, in the composition of chemical elements, those particles Yang (emitting information) that are farther from the center, i.e. above, are able to identify with themselves all the underlying particles. And not only Yin but Yang too.

The reason is that in the composition of any body the transformation of the particles by gravity takes place.

The total Gravity Field directed towards the center, is the reason that in all particles "forcibly" enters redundant Ether, moving from the periphery. Particles Yang which are closer to the center, too receive it. For them, by such Ether (Information) is the one that is emitted by overlying particles Yang. So is the identification of all the particles in the conglomerate.

As for the particles Yang, they always “transmit” into the world their own experience, their Chronicle.

However, if on their memory, on their “I”, on their "consciousness" ever influenced the Energy of other particle Yang, this extraneous information is also woven into the Records of the particle. And then it will be as part of its own Chronicle broadcast the Information of that other particle. And the Information of that other particle becomes an integral part of apprehending its particle. That is, the particle, received Information, does not distinguish itself from the perceived one.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 503. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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