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The particles, in more than half of the cases, are part of conglomerates – unstable elementary particles (if to use the terminology of nuclear physics). The largest species of the conglomerate – is a chemical element. Neutrons, protons – are small aggregates as compared to the chemical element.

Particles Yin are always the part of any body. Except for those times when they move freely in the space. However, cases of their movement – it is only a transition from one conglomerate to another.

As for the particles Yang, then they themselves do not form the bodies, and in their composition are with a difficult. It depends on the speed of their emission of Energy (Ether) – on the value of their Field of Repulsion. Those whose speed is small (small size of the Field of Repulsion) is easy enough to tolerate staying in the conglomerate, as their rate of emission of Ether is inferior o the total rate of energy absorption by this body.

Particles Yan of three lower Plans can often be found in the bodies, that can’t be said about the particles Yang of three highest Plans. Moreover, from the lower to the higher Plans, this probability decreases.

What are we all talking about? But to the fact that in nature there is an unimaginable quantity of conglomerates in which the particles Yin are combined with particles of Yang.

These bodies represent in the same time the sources of information (due to the present of the particles Yang) and receivers (due to particle Yin).

Our human "I", our consciousness, which belong to the 4th Plan, Buddhic, is also composed of such unions of particles.

Being a part of the human body, our "I", a conglomerate of particles of the 4th Plan, remembers everything that happened with the person at the time when this consciousness was upon the head – i.e. while the person was alive and sentient being.

And the particles Yin and Yang can memorize. But the main role in the process of remembering, especially external information, it is still played by the particles Yin.

Free Yang particle remembers only what happened to it directly. To memorize the external information can only those Yang, which are part of the bodies (due to the transformation by gravity).

The same thing – are involved in the process of remembering everything that happens to the human body – make the associations of particles of remaining three Plans – Mental, Astral and Physical.

Particles Yin in their composition absorb any Energy-Information that reaches them during the life of this human body – whether external or internal (coming from the particles Yang of other bodies as part of the same organism).

When a person dies (physically or spiritually), the body-shell of Buddhic Plan is detached from the head and leaves the body.

However, in this Buddhiс body-shell the information about what happened to it during the lifetime of a given organism remains. And this Information is stored as by particles Yin and by Yang. Why – it was said just that. Memory of particles Yin is deeper.

Generally, the larger is the speed of absorption of the Ether by the particle – i.e. the greater its Field of Attraction – the greater its ability to memorize.

However, only particles Yang have the ability to transfer the Information, which they own. The particles Yin are also can this, but only in one case – in a state of inertial motion in collisions with other particles.

The particles of any Plan that absorbed in the process of life in this human body Information from other bodies (internal and external), then, after the separation, will be associated with them, and will seek to re-merge with them. To re-absorb their Information that will restore their lost sense of the former unity.

They will seek again to incarnation – to connection with the carriers of the same Information that they took in previous incarnations.

This is how another rule acts under the Law of Identifications – the Rule of attraction like with like. And the question here is not about the Law of Attraction.

Magnetic attraction ” of which is said much in the books of Alice Bailey, in particular, in "Esoteric Psychology", this is precisely the tendency of particles identified with someone Information, to re-unite with the source of this information.

"Magnetic attraction" of Alice Bailey – this is the aspiration to incarnation. And it should not be seen as a direct reference to Magnetism, of which tells the story the human science, and which, by the way, is nothing other than the gravitational interaction.

Let's sum up a little in our reasoning and thinking about this extremely interesting Law of the Universe.

This topic is very complex and pervasive in order to be able to just like that, all at once, in one article to cover all its details and illuminate all the nuances.

The Law covers every inch of our phenomenal world.

That Law of Identification, along with the Laws of Attraction and Repulsion, is the main controlling factor in the Universe. Absolutely everyone obeys to them.

So far, science has recognized and realized the effect of only one of them – of the Law of Attraction. And it stays on the verge of recognizing the second - the Law of Repulsion.

However, before the recognition of the third – the Law of Identification – it is still far as it is even unaware of its existence.

Any elementary particle as part of any Plan is involved in the processes of identification – either as identifying (emitting Information) or as identified (absorbing Information).

Take a look around. How many subjects, how many bodies are around you – the living and non-living (as defined by science). And each contains both these types of particles. This means that each body is involved in the identification of – either on one side or the other.

Maybe you are a mystically minded person who is interested in everything the unknown, the mysterious, such as extrasensory perception, clairvoyance and clairaudience.

Or you are a religious person, and often pray, crying out to God for the satisfaction of your desires and needs.

Or you are a man of the scientific mindset, and you just interested in the mechanisms of memory, storage and transmission of information.

So, the mechanism of extrasensory perception – it is nothing like the mechanism of prayer – speaking by the language of science, the mechanism of transmitting the Information (Energy, Spirit). Information - it’s the Energy, Ether, Spirit. It is emitted by the particles Yang. Information can be distributed directly without elementary particles.

Also, any free particle (including Yin) is the source of certain information, and, going from a conglomerate to a conglomerate, the particles thus transmit information.

And conglomerates themselves, moving in space and touching, share information.

From this we can draw a simple conclusion: no one action, any thought do not go unnoticed.

The more powerful is the source of Energy-Information, the better you will be "seen" and the faster will be noticed.

It follows the simple conclusion about the necessity of healing the body, because only a strong organism can shine brightly without damage to itself and without discomfort.

All of the above rules, clarifying the Law of the Identifications, with the main part, underlie the mechanism of the endless incarnations and reincarnations of living beings (here it should also include and chemical compounds – the Mineral Kingdom).

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 481. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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