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But here come into effect clarifying moments for the Law of Identification.

Yes, of course, the Rule of most value of the strongest, the closest and the latest energy contacts acts always, and it can’t be canceled. However, the Law of Identification itself is manifested differently for the particles of not same quality.

The fact is that the particles are related to different elements have different ability to the identification with the information (the Spirit) of other particles.
For example, strongly marked Yin particles are identified with the external energies so powerfully that have about themselves even more weak view than for others.

You can call this clarification of the Law of Identification by the Rule of dependence the degree of identification from the element of the particle.

The higher is the speed of destruction (disappearance) of the Ether-Energy in the particle and the slower is the speed of creation, the more the particle will identify itself with the outside, external Ether, not with its own, created by itself.

And vice versa – the smaller is the speed of destruction of the Ether and the faster is the creation, the worse such particle can be identified with the others.

From this we can draw a simple conclusion that the Law of Identifications to the greatest extent manifests itself in the particles of the element “Earth”, because they have the highest rate of destruction of information as compared with all other existing particles, and the speed of creation of Ether is smallest out of a possible.

They are followed by the particles “Water”. Then the “Fire” is, and finally – “Air”.

Exactly in this consequence decreases the ability of the particles to be identified with external for them sources of Energy-Information and increases the ability to retain its self, and thus the information they carry.

The particles of the elements "Earth" and "Water" out of the transformation state are Yin – absorb the Energy.

At the same time, the particles of the elements "Fire" and "Air" are always, in any state belong to the Yang – emit Energy-Information (Spirit).

Particles Yang – are the particles in which the Spirit (Energy) is dominated.

Yin – are the particle with a predominance of Matter – with a minor manifestation of the Spirit.

Yang – this is the Spiritual origin of the Manifested Universe, and Yin – the Material. Yang – is a "spiritual" particles, and Yin – "material".

The struggle for survival, the instinct of self-preservation – is the prerogative of the particles Yin. So manifests itself the Material Principle of the world.

While the particles Yang, spiritual origin, help the organisms to overcome the aspiration to blindly obey the instinct of self-preservation.

Particles Yang to a much lesser extent are afraid of losing their momentary energy contacts, to leave the body, of which they now are the part.

In the occult, religion and cultural background it is accepted strongly blame the Material Principle. However, this is precisely wrong approach.

Matter (particles Yin) is good in the same way as the Spirit (particles Yang). Some of its properties are brought us the discomfort sometimes. However, this does not mean that you should fling it aside and refuse.

For example, just because of the Matter (Yin), we are able to receive information about each other and communicate.

The Spirit (Yang), in contrast to the Matter, is self-sufficient and is not capable of understanding the external to it – only under certain conditions.

Only the combination of Yin and Yang gives us the true fullness of Being.

This is not good and not bad that some particles - Yin - more inclined to identify with the other particles, whose energy-information they absorb, compared with other particles - Yang. You should not use in this case similar categories. It's just there, it's the features of these particles, that's all.

All the laws of nature - are the law of our Original Substance, creating this world and filling it – these are its rules. They may not be good or bad, they just are. And the only thing we can do - is to study them possibly good and do not neglect them, but use on our own.

Interesting that existence of the organism, its life is provided at first just the particles Yin, their greatest adherence to the Law of Identification.

But the cause of death, of destruction of the body - are the particles Yang, gradually accumulated in the body and destroying it. However, the destruction of the body is not due to weak adherence the Yang particles to the Law of Identity, and because of the Law of Repulsion. The particles Yang with emitted by them Ether literally loosen the connection between the chemical elements and molecules.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 487. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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