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Absolute version of the classification can use for all existing particles in the Universe.

In this case, to the elements "Earth" and "Fire" are in the first place, the particles of the lowest level of the Physical Plan. To the elements "Water" and "Air" are, above all, the particles of the top level of the Monadic Plan.

Particles of all other Plans are intermediate options between the extreme couples of the elements.

In the absolute version of the classification the four elements represent the extreme types of existing elementary particles.

To the elements " Earth " and " Fire " refer the particles with a high speed of disappearance of the Ether.

To the elements " Water " and " Air " refer the particles with a low speed of destruction of the Ether.

To the elements " Earth " and " Water " refer the particles with a low speed of creation of the Ether.

To the elements " Fire " and " Air " refer the particles with a high speed the creation of the Ether.

Thus, in particles of the element " Earth " the Ether disappears with a high speed, and creates with a low.

In the particles of the element " Fire " is high as the speed of destruction the Ether and creation.

In the particles of the element " Air " the speed of destruction is low, and the speed of creation is high.

In the particles of the element " Water " is low as the speed of disappearance and creation.

In the particles in the first place disappears their own Ether – created by themselves.

The particles of the element " Earth " and close to them by quality in a small way "meet their needs" for the lack of Ether at the expense of their own created Ether - as per unit of time they create a little Ether, and disappears into them a lot.

The particles of the element "Fire" and close to them by quality, completely provides themselves with the Ether, because it disappears in them a lot and creates a lot.

The particles of the elements of "Water" and close to them by quality little need for the Ether of the surrounding field, as though they create a little but do not need much Ether, because they it disappears in them with very low speed.

Finally, the particles of the element "Air" and close to them by quality, as well as the particle elements of "Water", do not feel the need in the surrounding ether, as they are doing a lot, and disappears into them a little.

The particles of the element "Earth" and the “Water" have the Fields of Attraction – the Ether, moving to them from the ambient etheric field.

The particles of the element "Fire" and "Air" has the Fields of Repulsion – Ether, coming into the surrounding etheric field.



Four elements are the pointers of extreme variants of existing particles in the Universe. One can imagine this classification graphically as a square, each angle is one of the elements and each of the existing particles can be positioned on one side of the square.


"The square of the Elements" - is the classification of elementary particles.
The horizontal sides of the square – it’s the ranges of the speed of creation the Ether in the particles. The vertical sides – it’s the ranges of the speed of destruction the Ether. Blue, yellow and red lines – are the totalities of the particles, depending on the speed of creation in them the Ether – i.e. the totalities of the particles of three primary colors.

The vertical side of the square is a range of values ​​of the speed of destruction of the Ether. The number of such values ​​can be infinite.

The horizontal – is the speed of creation.

It contains in total three possible values ​​corresponding to the three primary colors - blue, yellow and red. Blue corresponds to the lowest speed of creation of the Ether, red – to the highest, and yellow is intermediate between blue and red.

The number of the particles of the clear types as a percentage is negligibly. The overwhelming majority of existing in the Universe particles has intermediate quality.

This means that the value of the rate of creation of Ether can be located anywhere on the sides-ranges between "Earth" and "Water" or "Fire" and "Air".

In the ranges of values ​​of the speed of destruction of the Ether the particle should be attributed to the element to which it is displaced.

Take, for example, a particle of "Earth-Water", which is located on the side of the square between the corners of the "Earth" and "Water", and closer to "Water". The quality of this particle may better suit to the element "Water".

The external manifestation of quality of the particles is more convenient to compare along the lines corresponding to the colors.

On the side of the square "Earth-Water" (the line corresponding to the blue color), all particles have the Field of Attraction. At the same time the value of the Field decreases from the "Earth" to "Water".

On the side of the square, "Fire-Air" (the line corresponding to the red color), all particles have the Field of Repulsion. Its value increases from "Fire" to "Air".

And finally, along the line connecting the centers of the sides "Earth-Fire" and "Water-to-Air" (line corresponding to the yellow color), from below and to the middle of the line the particles have the Fields of Attraction, and from the middle to the upper – the Fields of Repulsion.

The particles are exactly in the middle of the line are neutral.

The particles of the bottom half of the "yellow line" and the upper half of the "blue line" have equal in magnitude the Fields of Attraction. However, the quality of the particles of both ranges is completely different.

The particles of the upper half of the "blue line" destroy the Ether with a lower speed than the particles the lower half of the yellow line and create with the more.

But as a result the particles of both lines show outside the same quality – the Fields of Attraction. And the Fields of Attraction and those and other are equal.

Similarly, the particles of the low half of the "red line" and the upper half of the "yellow line" have equal in magnitude the Fields of Repulsion, although the quality of those and other are different.

The particles of the upper half of the "Yellow Line" destroy the Ether with a lower speed compared with the particles of the lower half of the "red-line". However, the speed of creation of the "upper yellow" is less than of the "lower red".



"The scale of the Elements" – is a linear version of the classification of particles according to the elements.

The particles of the lower half of the scale of the elements have the Fields of Attraction, and the particles of the upper half – the Fields of Repulsion.

Particles of intermediate quality can be characterized by the same magnitude of the Fields of Attraction or Repulsion. However, their quality will be different.

The particles of the lower half of the "yellow line" and the upper half of the "blue line" have equal in magnitude the Fields of Attraction. But the quality of the particles of both ranges is completely different. The particles of the upper half of the "blue line" destroy and create less Ether compared with the particles of the lower half of the "yellow line".

As a result, the ratio of the destroyed and created Ether in the particles of both ranges is the same.

Similarly, the particles of the lower half of the "red line" and the upper half of the "yellow line" have equal in magnitude the Fields of Repulsion, although the quality of those and other is different.

The particles of the upper half of the "yellow line" destroy and create less Ether compared with the particles of the lower half of the "red line". However, the ratio of the destroyed and created Ether in the particles of both ranges is the same.

The particles of the lower half of the blue line – are the particles of the element "Earth".

The particles of upper half of the blue line and lower half of the yellow together are the element "Water".

The particles of the upper half of the yellow line and the lower of red – it’s "Fire".

Finally, the upper half of the red line – this is elementary particles of the element "Air".

You can make such global classification. And at the same time as you will see further, in any Plan you can select the ranges for the speed of destruction the Ether, within each of which the particles are the three primary colors can be classified into four elements, in the same way as within the whole Universe.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 516. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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