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Find sentences with Modals in the above exercise.

28. Find sentences where should, would and were are in the form of the Subjunctive Mood.


I. I wish he would stop that noise.

2. He said he would stop it very soon.

3. It would be very nice, if it were only possible.

4. I wish he were in Minsk.

5. They were to come to Gomel a month ago.

6. They suggested that I should take part in this research.

7. You really should take part in it. There is no reason to reject this suggestion.

8. I knew that I should come here again.

9.Did they mean that they were interested in the subject?

10. It was suggested that the work should be done without any delay.

11. You should do this work immediately.

12. I wish I would be able to do it on time.


29. Find the sentences the translation of which begins with при условии, что.

1. In case you are interested in new irrigation methods, particular attention should be paid to the successful experiments made last year.

2. Could there appear any change in supply, the device would register it.

3. They looked at the device as if they had never seen it before.

4. The first forms of transportation were used on land making direct human contacts possible.

5. But for the high price it would be only reasonable to use the system for many domestic purposes.

6. Were it possible to reduce the price, the system would find wide application.

7. A decision is to be made regarding which system is to provide the basis for a prototype device.

8. Providing this project were realized, the new train would run through huge tubes at twenty times the speed of sound by means of a magnetic drive.


30. Translate into Russian paying attention to the SubjunctiveMood and the Conditional Mood:

1. There are countless particles in a cubic millimeter of gas, and it would be ridiculous to try to make calculations with so many variables.

2. It would be quite wrong to think that conducting materials are the only materials to be used for power transmission.

3. Without friction our world would be very strange, indeed. Without friction between the tyres and the road, a car could not move.

4. Suppose the iron were all a big single crystal of the shape shown in this figure and spontaneously magnetized all in one direction. Then there would be a considerable external magnetic field, which would have a lot of energy.

5. Suppose that one could live in a world where the average temperature were 250°C. At our ordinary pressure, water and ether would be in a gaseous state.

6. It is necessary that the preliminary reaction be essentially complete.

7. The new system of units suggested that the joule be used as the unit of work and energy.

8. Our scientific adviser insists that we should take part in the work of the conference to be held in Minsk in June.

9. He insists that our group should present a paper dealing with one of the problems of cosmic research.

10. He proposes that the paper should consist of three parts, the last one discussing the experimental results obtained.

11. It is suggested that the experiments be repeated under changed conditions.

12. We must work hard as it is demanded that we should present the paper on time.

13. I wish I would take part in the conference. But it is rather doubtful that 1 should go there for I shall be taking my exams at the time

14. The point of application of the resultant force is called the centre of gravity. It is as if the body's weight were concentrated at this point.

15. In this case the crystal acts as if it were compressed by a great pressure.

16. To a first approximation the sample will behave as though only the majority impurity were present in a concentration equal to the difference between the number of majority and minority impurities present.

17. Even if our model of a spherical hole were not very good, we would still expect some reduction.

18. Even if this were true, we can admire the wonderful accomplishment of a problem solved to near perfection.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 485. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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