Nizhyn Agrotechnical Institute
Unit 3 OUR EDUCATIONAL ESTABLISHMENT Exercise1. Read and translate the text using key words and expressions: Nizhyn Agrotechnical Institute educational establishment навчальний заклад vocational school ремісниче училище college councilor колезький радник fitter слюсар welder зварювальник plough плуг sowing-machine сівалка winnow-machine віялка to be awarded бути нагородженим achievement досягнення under the ruling під управління according to відповідно до... junior specialist молодший спеціаліст accountant бухгалтер workshop майстерня technical service station станція технічного обслуговування hostel гуртожиток at the students' disposal в розпорядженні студентів amateur-talent group гурток художньої самодіяльності artistic creation художня творчість professionalism професіоналізм first-year student студент-першокурсник to take (pass) an exam складати екзамен credit залік academic arrear академічна заборгованість to fail a test (an exam) не скласти залік (екзамен) retest перездача заліку, екзамену That is a slice of good luck! Оце так пощастило! The history of Nizhyn Agrotechnical Institute goes back to the 19th century, when on the 1st of July 1895 a vocational school was founded on the money of the college councilor Oleksandr Fedorovych Kushakevych. The first inspector of it was Vasyl' Ivanovych Nechkin. The vocational school trained fitters, welders and other specialists, which were necessary for local industry. In 1900 teachers and students of the vocational school participated in the worldwide exhibition in Paris and in 1907 in Kyiv, where they presented the models of a plough, sowing-machine, winnow-machine, press. The vocational school was awarded a Gold Medal. The name of the educational establishment changed several times. In 1933 it began to train mechanics and was called Technical School of Mechanization of Agriculture. Technical school leavers displayed courage during the Great Patriotic War. Many of them were awarded orders and medals. М.А. Isaienko and M.P. Prudkyy got the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union. After the war, Technical School continued to prepare specialists for agriculture and in 1971 for its great achievements in this preparation the government of Ukraine awarded it the Order of Honor. The period of the greatest innovations began in 1993 when Technical School of Mechanization of Agriculture was reorganized into Nizhyn Agrotechnical College and in 1996 it was given under the ruling of Kyiv National Agrarian University (now National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine). In 2001 according to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Nizhyn Agrotechnical Institute was formed on the base of the College. Nowadays there are three faculties in Nizhyn Agrotechnical Institute: the faculty of Mechanization of Agriculture, the faculty of Electrification and Automation of Agriculture and the faculty of Economics and Management. After graduating the faculty, you get the levels of Bachelor and Specialist. There is a department for preparation of junior specialists at Institute. After graduating from the department, you get the level of Junior Specialist. Training is carried out for 4 areas and 10 specialties (full-time and part-time studies): "Bachelor" degree is in the areas of: · Accounting and Audit; · Management; · Power engineering and electrotechnical systems in agriculture; · Processes, machinery, and equipment of agroindustrial production. "Specialist" degree is in the areas of: · Accounting and Audit; · Management of organizations and administration; · Energetics of agricultural production; · Mechanization of agriculture; "Junior Specialist" degree in the following specialties: · Accounting; · Service of computer systems and networks; · Mounting, maintenance of tools and systems of automation of technological production; · Organization of transportation and management in road transport; · Mounting, maintenance and repair of electrical equipment in agroindustrial complex; · Exploitation and repair of machinery and equipment for agroindustrial production. Institute graduates are able to continue their education by levels "Bachelor", "Specialist" and "Master" at National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine and other universities. Well-equipped classrooms and laboratories, training workshops, a technical service station, a library with a reading-hall, three hostels, a canteen, a students club and a museum are at the students' disposal. The students of Institute have the opportunity to train at the fields of England, Northern Ireland, Denmark, Sweden, and the USA. Students' life is very interesting. Of course, first of all they should think of their future profession and do the best to become good specialists. The academic year begins in September and is over in June. There are two terms in the course of the academic year. Twice a year the students take tests, credits, and examinations. During the terms students have to attend lectures, to carry out laboratory tests and to do practical work. The students, who attend lectures regularly, usually pass their examinations more successfully. They get good and excellent marks and seldom fail. Many students make different experiments and carry on research work. But students years are not only learning, credits and exams. The students are involved into different amateur talent groups, groups of artistic creation. They are the chore "Narodne Dzherelo", dancing company "Perlyna Pollisya", female vocal group, solo-singing groups of variety songs, artistic reading, and dramatic group. Sport and physical training take an important place in students' life. The sportsmen of the institute are the winners of town and regional competitions in athletics, chess, basketball, and volleyball. Therefore, we are proud to be students of Nizhyn Agrotechical Institute. Exercise 2. Decide whether the following statements are true or false: 1. Nizhyn Agrotechnical Institute was founded in the 18th century 2. The first inspector of the vocational school was Oleksandr Fedorovych Kushakevych. 3. Teachers and students of the vocational school participated in the worldwide exhibition in London and were awarded a Gold Medal. 4. In 1995 when Technical school of Mechanization of Agriculture was reorganized into Nizhyn Vocational School. 5. In 2001 Nizhyn Agrotechnical Institute was formed on the base of the College. 6. There are four faculties in Nizhyn Agrotechnical Institute. 7. The students can get the level of Junior Specialists. 8. There are four terms in an academic year. 9. The students are involved in after school activity.