Paying Attention
Getting distracted and missing a question looks bad on your part. If you zone out, your potential employer will wonder how you will be able to stay focused during a day on the job, if you can't even focus during one interview. If you feel your attention slipping away, make the effort to stay engaged. Maintain eye contact, lean forward slightly when talking to your interviewer, and make an active effort to listen effectively. While you may have no problem paying attention in a one-on-one interview in a private office, it's harder to stay in tune with the interviewer when you're meeting in a public place. Employers sometimes schedule job interviews in a public place, like a coffee shop or restaurant. It could be because they are hiring for a field position and they don't have a local office. Or, it may be more convenient to interview candidates in a setting other than the office, especially if you don't want your current employees to know that you're hiring. Here are some tips for interviewing in public: Ø Focus on the Interviewer It may be noisy and there may be distractions, like customers and waitstaff coming and going. Try to focus on the interviewer, as best you can. Keep the interview focused, as well, by staying on topic. Ø Confirm the Interview Details Confirm the exact location (there are more than 160 Starbucks in New York City!) as well as the time of your appointment. Ask how you will recognize the interviewer.