A bank a hotel
An airport a company
a bank a hotel
a movie theater/the movies a train station 1. What’s the name of a big airport in Moscow? – It’s Domodedovo. 1. _______________________________________________? – It’s Tanuki. 2. ___________________________________________? – It’s Paveletsky. 3. _______________________________________________? – It’s Intel. 4. _______________________________________________? – It’s Billa. 5. _____________________________________________? – It’s Kinomax.
2. What’s Zeleniy Ostrov the name of? – It’s the name of a grocery store. 1. What’s Oggi the name of? _____________________________________ 2. What’s VTB the name of? _____________________________________ 3. What’s Siemens the name of? __________________________________ 4. What’s Spartak the name of? __________________________________ 5. What’s Kazanskiy the name of? _________________________________