A useful vitamin
You'd have to eat a couple dozen oranges to get the same effect as one Vitamin C tablet that contains 500 mg of Vitamin C. Perhaps everyone knows that vitamin C and immune system of humans are interconnected principles. Ascorbic acid is a nutrient that has been shown to have a strong jolt on human health. Researchers originally intended that considerable doses of Vitamin C can reduce the severity and the rate of the common cold due to its using in oxidation-reduction in the human body. Vitamin C is on the top of immune boosters list and there are many reasons for that. Perhaps, the greatest number of nutrient investigations was devoted to vitamin C and immune system. Ascorbic acid addendums are inexpensive to make, and it is very good that vitamin C is available naturally in many vegetables and fruits. There is another possibility to get Ascorbic acid - you can buy at any chemist's shop vitamin-C-fortified version. Now let's take a brief review of vitamin C and immune system benefit of it. Ascorbic acid increases the infection-fighting production antibodies and white blood cells and increases interferon levels, the antibody that covers surface of cells, which are favorable for the viruses` entry. Vitamin C diminished the cardiovascular disease risk with the help of raising HDL levels cholesterol while decreasing blood pressure and importunate with the proceeding during which fat is transformed to plaque in the human arteries. It is also interesting about vitamin C and immune system that people who have diets with higher vitamin C concentration have lower rates of prostate, colon and even breast cancer.