Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using the words from vocabulary.
1) СПИД — это стадия ВИЧ-инфекции, при которой развиваются бактериальные, грибковые, ческие инфекции) и неинфекционные заболевания. 2) Воспаление — одна из наиболее ранних реакций иммунной системы на инфекцию. 3) Ученые создали вакцину от опасного менингита B. 4) Уже много лет не было эпидемий оспы. 5) Полиомиелит –это острое инфекционное заболевание, поражающее центральную нервную систему. 6) Человеческий рино-вирус (HRV) ответственен за 30 – 50 % случаев общей простуды. 7) Световые микроскопы могут увеличивать объект в 1500 раз, а электронные – в 20 000 раз. 8) Вирус точечной мозаики передается механическим путем от больного растения к здоровому или с семенами. 9) Традиционный метод ЯМР-спектроскопии (ядерной магнитно-резонансной) имен множество недостатков. 4. Fill in the gaps in these sentences: 1) Virology is often considered as a part of_______. 2) Viruses can be classified according to ______they infect. 3) Another classification uses the geometrical shape of their ____or the virus's structure. 4) A virus is a small _____that can replicate only inside the living cells of organisms. 5) Viruses are found in almost every _______on Earth. 6) Viruses cause a number of diseases in _______. 7) Viral infections in animals provoke________that usually eliminates the infecting virus. 8) The evolution of viruses, which often occurs in concert with the evolution of their hosts, is studied in the field of_______. 9) While viruses ______and_____, they don't engage in metabolism and depend on a host cell for reproduction. 5. Remember how the fragments were used, and complete the sentence from today's article. 1) Virology is the study of viruses and virus-like agents:... 2) Viruses can be classified according to the host cell they infect:... 3) The shape and structure of viruses has been studied by... 4) Since the initial discovery of the tobacco mosaic virus in 1898, about 5,000 viruses have been described in detail, although... 5) Viral infections in animals provoke an immune response that... 6) Antibiotics have no effect on viruses, but … 7) The often-debated question of whether they are alive or not is a matter of definition that... 6. Find the appropriate definitions to the following words: