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Additional Language Exercises

48 Translate and match the words on the left with their descriptions on the right.

1. after-dinner, after-hours, after-lunch, after-school, after-work Nouns referring to one thing that happens as a result of another. a.
2. after-care, after-effects, aftertaste, after-smell Adjectives expressing the idea that the thing referred to by the original noun is the most important part or feature of something. b.
3. all-female, all-wood Adjectives describing something that happens after a particular activity or event, which is specified in the adjective. c.
4. all-age, all-weather, all-purpose Adjectives describing something that is suitable for or includes every type of a particular thing. d.
5. all-consuming, all-embracing, all-seeing Words describing actions or activities that oppose another action or activity. e.
6. arch-liar, arch-rogue, arch-rebel Nouns referring to people who are extreme representatives of whatever the original refers to. f.
7. class-based, computer-based, protein-based Adjectives describing something that consists entirely of the thing referred to by the noun. g.
8. home-based, campus-based, school-based Adjectives describing something as having a large amount of the quality or characteristic described by the original adjective. h.
9. housebound, tradition-bound, wheelchair-bound, desk-bound Adjectives describing something as being outside, beyond, or different from what was described by the original adjective. i.
10. paper-bound, cardboard-bound Adjectives describing something that includes or affects everyone or everything. j.
11. age-conscious, cost-conscious, diet-conscious, image-conscious, safety-conscious Adjectives describing something as being positioned or existing mainly in a particular place, or as being organised from that place. k.
12. counterplan, counter-offer, counter-offensive, counter-measures Adjectives describing someone or something that has performed a particular action, or that has a particular quality, to the greatest extent possible. l.
13. cross-border, cross-country Adjectives describing something or someone as moving or behaving without the restrictions or controls that you might normally expect. m.
14. ever-changing, ever-present, ever-available, everlasting Adjectives describing something which does not have the thing mentioned. n.
15. extra-bright, extra-special, extra-small Adjectives describing someone who considers a particular aspect of their life or situation to be important, often when other people do not seem to notice it or to be interested in it. o.
16. extra-curricular, extra-terrestrial Adjectives indicating the sort of covering for books. p.
17. free-thinking, free-moving, free-flowing Adjectives describing someone or something as being restricted or limited by the thing referred to by the original noun. q.
18. crime-free, meat-free, stress-free, smoke-free Words describing something which occupies or includes the whole of the thing referred to by the original noun. r.
19. full-scale, full-grown, full-volume, full-blast, full-force Adjectives describing something that continuously performs the action mentioned, or that always has the characteristic mentioned. s.
20. full-colour, full-size, full-time Adjectives describing something that moves across the place or area mentioned. t.

49 Fill in the gaps with words from the previous exercise.

1. The course catered for _____________ student audience. 2. Many _____________ university programmes have duplicates for computer-based distant education. 3. He went over to his bookshelf and picked out a small, _____________ book. 4. For a week he has been training for the _____________ run. 5. Tina's career in show business made her extremely _____________. 6. Forrest Gump's son was born to be a most beautiful and _____________ child.

7. Her _____________ passions were pets and plants. 8. The boy was an _____________ at school and a most caring son at home. 9. Many students benefit greatly from involvement in _____________ activities. 10. Younger pupils are to be under the supervision of their teachers to ensure _____________ studies and play at recess. 11. In a few years today's children will be _____________ adults in mind and body. 12. Kimonos are very popular with the Japanese as they are both modest and _____________. 13. The new _____________ textbooks aroused a lot more interest in the subject. 14.

The school hired an _____________teaching staff. 15. _____________ play centres are valuable for all children. 16. The _____________ of elderly patients leaves a great deal to be desired. 17. The students organised an amateur _____________ theatre. 18. The _____________ students know little about the real world of business. 19. Unless specific _____________ are taken, unemployment will continue to rise. 20. The _____________ feeling of being behind with work put him on a short fuse.

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