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1 Complete the following sentences with the comparatives of one of the following adjectives or adverbs: crowded, early, easily, expensive, interested, large, near, often, quiet, thin.


1 This jacket is too small. I need a... size.

2 You look.... Have you lost weight?

3 He's not so keen on his studies. He's... in having a good time.

4 You'll find your way around the town... if you have a map.

5 You're making too much noise. Can you be a bit...?

6 There were a lot of people on the bus. It was... than usual.

7 You're late. I expected you to be here....

8 You hardly ever write to me. Why don't you write a bit...?

9 The hotel was surprisingly cheap. I expected it to be much....

10 It's a pity you live so far away. I wish you lived....


2 Complete these sentences. Use the comparative of the words in brackets + than.

Example: Her illness was more serious than we at first thought (serious).

1. Sorry I'm late. It took me... to get here... I expected (long).

2. My toothache is... it was yesterday (painful).

3 She looks about 20, but in fact she's much...she looks (old).

4 The problem is not so complicated. It's... you think (simple).

5 Your English has improved. You speak a lot... you did when we

last met (fluently).

6 Health and happiness are...money (important).

7 We always go camping when we go on holiday. It’s much... staying in a hotel (cheap).

8 I like the countryside. It's... and... living in a town (healthy, peaceful).

3 Complete the sentences using a bit, a little, much, a lot, far. Use than where necessary.

Example: Her illness was much more serious than we at first thought (much / serious).

1 It's... today... it was yesterday (a little / warm).

2 You're driving too fast. Can you drive...? (a bit /slowly).

3 Did you enjoy your visit to the museum? - Yes. I found it... I expected (far/interesting)

4 I prefer this armchair. It's... the other one (much / comfortable)

5 This flat is too small for me. I need something...(much/big).

6 It's... to learn a foreign language in the country where it is spoken (a lot / easy).


4 Complete these sentences with a superlative and preposition in or of.

1 It's a very cheap restaurant. It's... the town.

2 It was a very happy day. It was... my life.

3 She's a very intelligent student. She... the school.

4 It's a very valuable painting. It... the gallery.

5 It's a very nice room. It’s … the hotel.

6 He's a very rich man. He's one... the world.

7 It's a very old castle. It's... Britain.

8 He's a very good player. He...the team.

9 It was a very bad experience. It was... my life.

10 He's a very dangerous criminal. He... the country.

5 Chose the correct words in italics in each sentence.

1 The US has a bigger / more big domestic market than France.

2 There aren’t as many designers in London than / as in Paris.

3 John Galliano is one of greatest / the greatest designers in the British fashion industry.

4 I think Stella is most talented / more talented than Susan.

5 Susan is less creative / the least creative of the group.

6 The quality of the clothes in the stores is worse / worst than ever before.

7 The price in France is the same as / than in the UK.

8 The price in the US is lower / the lower than in the UK.

6 Make sentences with the… the.... Match the halves of the sentences.

1 The earlier we leave,

2 The longer we waited,

3 The more I got know him,

4 The more you practice your English,

5 The longer the telephone call,

6 The more goods you sell,



the faster you'll learn.

the more you have to pay.

the sooner we’ll arrive.

the more profit you'll make.

the more impatient he became.

the more I liked him.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 2081. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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