Additional Language Exercises. 47 Fill in the spaces in the sentences with appropriate idioms, containing a word related to arts.
47 Fill in the spaces in the sentences with appropriate idioms, containing a word related to arts. Paint in glowing colours, paint in true colours, the state of the art, get the picture, of the old school, have (got) sth. down to a fine art, put sb. in the picture, make an exhibition of oneself, paint the town red 1. She can get money out of her father whenever she likes: she ___________________ ( has learned to do it perfectly ). 2. What's ___________________? – Well, we have done everything you told us to do, and we are waiting now for your new instructions (the position or state reached in the course of the activity). 3. The writer __________ the simple country life ___________________ and is clearly against living in a city (describes in a way that suggests it is worthy of praise, very pleasant). 4. The situation was catastrophic and the shareholders required ___________ things ________________(describing correctly). 5. They heard this morning that they had passed their examinations, so they've gone out ___________________ (to have a very enjoyable time, in a lively and noisy manner). 6. You people only see what's happening on your own sector. You can't possibly ___________________ (understand the entire situation). 7. "I'd better ___________________," he said. "Briefly, it is this. …" (fully inform you about the facts of the situation) 8. He is really a very clever man, but because he ___________________ at parties nobody can believe that he's serious (behaves in public in a loud or foolish manner, in a manner that attracts scorn). 9. Doctors ___________________ could talk to you about your hobbies or else, not like these nowadays – concerned only with treating as many people as possible in the shortest possible time (belonging to a group that is characterised by its use of old customs, manners or behaviour).
48 Below are some proverbs and their explanations. The explanations have been jumbled. Match the former with the latter by attaching the relevant letter in the aligned boxes. Then share your opinion if these proverbs can apply to art.