36 Look at the pictures below and label them as to the art categories they belong to. Make use of the classification suggested by Artbank Gallery, http://www.artbank.com
abstract painting, animals in art, figurative artwork, landscape/cityscape, prints, naïve, still life, surreal, or outsider art & imagination
37 Share with the class, which pictures you respond to and which leave you cold. Support your choice with the impression that they project on you.
38 You will now listen to a short newspaper report about a museum robbery. As you listen, catch the sequence of events and number the sentences below in the order they appear in the report.
| The case is a bizarre combination of professional execution and clumsy amateurism.
| They believe the three pictures are still in Sweden.
| Masked men held off unarmed guards at gunpoint and cut down the three pictures.
| Stockholm police believed the crime had been commissioned by a wealthy collector.
| Swedes … are asking uneasy questions about security and violence.
| Seven larger works by the Dutch master were untouched.
39 Some time ago we talked about museums. What new dimension in museum operation does this piece of information open to us? Explain the origin of the problem, how it is solved nowadays and what we should expect in the future.