Role-play. 29 Imagine that you find yourself in a museum or at an exhibition of modern art and you belong to the nine-tenths of the public who are unprepared to take in
29 Imagine that you find yourself in a museum or at an exhibition of modern art and you belong to the nine-tenths of the public who are unprepared to take in that kind of thing. Now you are with a connoisseur friend who is willing to answer the questions. Paraphrase some of the questions from the exercise above and ask them of your friend. e. g.
Use the linking devices table in Unit 3, Part 2 for reference. 30 The author of the article above encourages the public "to fill up the galleries with the rest of us". Imagine that you are the manager of one of Ukrainian art museums and you are ready to follow suit. Now, you expect a reporter in your office in a while to do an interview about the museum's current affairs. You believe that this is an excellent opportunity to get your museum new publicity. In the expectation of the appointment, you read about the British Tate Modern to familiarise yourself with some advanced practices. The reporter, in turn, is also likely to compare this museum's performance with Tate's. As soon as you familiarise with the information below: - think of and write down 10 questions for the reporter's role and