Студопедия — Additional Vocabulary Exercises
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Additional Vocabulary Exercises

15 Below are two descriptions of different cultural movements. The texts have been gapped for the purpose of exercise. Replace the relevant words into their original places.

orthodox, accomplished, fleeting, ensuing, championed, representation, subdued, precursors, brushwork, rendering, depictions, accustomed, hostile, acceptance, doctrinaire, retained

The direct ____________ of impressionism were the English landscape painters Constable and Turner. When Monet and Pissarro first saw the work of these men, in 1871, they were particularly impressed by Turner's ____________ of atmosphere and his ____________ of the diffusing effects of light on solid objects.

Edouard Manet showed that subtle ____________ of light can be ____________ as well by the juxtaposition of bright, contrasting colours as by shadings of intermediary tones. Notable French contemporaries who ____________ the impressionists included such literary figures as Emile Zola, Charles Baudelaire and many others. Long ____________ to the conventional academic style, the press and public were ____________ to the new style. During ____________ years, however, impressionism gradually won ____________.


Monet alone was ____________ in applying what had become impressionist theory. He painted many series of studies—the cathedral of Rouen, haystacks, a lily pond, and poplars—each study painted at different times of the day and in different seasons. Pissarro used a ____________ palette and concentrated equally on the effects of light and on the structure of forms. Sisley, although greatly influenced by Monet, ____________ his own delicacy of style. Degas, who was not an ____________ impressionist, caught the ____________ moment, especially in ballet and horse-racing scenes. Renoir preferred to paint the female form rather than pure landscapes. Morisot's subtly painted landscapes gained strength from ____________ rather than colour.


suggestions, renowned, catalyst, originated, underlie, interchangeably, expressiveness, discarded, latent, charged, dubbed

Symbolist Movement ____________ in France in the late 19th century. In literature, it encouraged writers to express their ideas, feelings, and values by means of symbols or ____________ rather than by direct statements. Symbolist writers ____________ rigid rules of versification and the stereotyped poetic images of their predecessors. Symbolist visual arts refer to the use of certain pictorial conventions (pose, gesture, or a repertoire of attributes) to express a ____________ allegorical meaning in a work of art. Symbolism served as a ____________ in the development away from representation in art and toward abstraction. Inspiration was found initially in the work of the French painters Puvis de Chavannes, Moreau, and Redon, who used brilliant colours and exaggerated ____________ of line to represent emotionally ____________ dream visions, inspired by literary, religious, or mythological subjects. Their followers included the Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh, ____________ for his use of color to express emotions, and the French painters Paul Gauguin and Emile Bernard. This style they ____________ synthetist, or symbolist (using the two terms ____________), in opposition to the analytic approach of impressionism. Symbolism, with its concern for the subjective, allusive employment of colour and form, can be seen to ____________ successive later 20th-century art styles.

16 Return to the two descriptions in the previous exercise and answer the questions that follow. Make use of the language of the passages, as well as the functional exponents in the box below.

a. What is the quintessence of the two trends?

b. Where is the difference in their depictions?

c. How are these conceptual points exemplified in pictures that you know?

d. What are your preferences?

· … was/were most concerned with/concentrated on/wrapped in/referred to…; · … in the first place/first and foremost/essentially; · … logically/reasonably/therefore/thus/consequently/as a consequence/as a result/in the outcome; … look up to/have great respect for/am impressed by/fond of/in love with/fascinated by/captivated by/intrigued by/bored stiff by/sick to death of/sth doesn't get through to me/ am indifferent to/ignore sth.

17 Explain the meanings and give examples of usage of the following words from the text above. Use the chart below.

# Word Meaning(s) Example of usage other than in the text

orthodox, fleeting, champion (v), subdue, precursor, depiction, renowned, catalyst, underlie, latent, dub, doodle, scribble, trace, study, snap, shot, cartoon, caricature

18 Study the synonyms and fill in the gaps in the sentences below.

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