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Executive Summary

The Arts and Culture Programme Strategy for the years 2000-2002 is formulated with regard to the International Renaissance Arts Foundation’s (IRAF) mission: to stimulate systemic changes within the sphere instead of being satisfied with the superficial effects, to support those key branches which are ignored by the state, to catalyse the development of the new contemporary Ukrainian art, to cooperate with artistic environment in the sphere of innovative projects, to facilitate the emergence of tolerance, acceptance, interest and taste towards different and unpopular aesthetic currents, to develop intercultural communication, understanding of the «otherness».

In planning our future activities, we were guided by the four-year experience of the Arts and Culture Programme's implementation within the IRAF. Over these years the programme has reached considerable results. First, there are about 200 artistic non-governmental organizations (NGOs) registered in Ukraine, and over a quarter of them were supported by the IRAF through grants for equipment and their initial steps. Second, there is a large amount of contacts between Ukrainian and foreign artists, provoked and supported by the Programme and resulting in different kinds of festivals in Ukraine and in Europe.

Drawing upon such strengths as the prominent image of the IRAF and the Arts and Culture Programme, established relations with a large number of Ukrainian and foreign partners, and elimination from the Programme of such shortcomings as expectations of immediate results and underdevelopment of the monitoring system, we seek to consolidate these results on a more sustained level.

Thus, the Strategy 2000-2002 consists of two major programmes: Support for Experimental Artistic Approach and Multilevel Cooperation with the Regional Partners. In this way we address the two major problems of contemporary Ukrainian culture — concentration of intellectual and financial capital in Kyiv, and unceasing «aging» of Ukrainian art (in the time and conceptual dimensions) due to the lack of new forms and methods of education. The proposed programmes are designed for the duration of at least three years, aimed at implementation of substantial changes in the core of the problem. Being aware of the complexity of the situation in Ukrainian culture nowadays, we also realise that the IRAF seems to be the only generator of potential changes in this area.


We should emphasize the great political urgency and importance of culture as a factor of social stabilization that can keep the post-colonial and post-totalitarian Ukraine from taking the path back, as well as lead it out of the dangerous recession. The impact of the «ideology-free» capital on the arts and culture sector produces «ideology-free» art. It is an open culture that is one of the major components of the open society. It is clear that artistic elite is the leader of such processes as it is the first to detect, react, and reflect upon the problems of our disintegrated society.

In the current situation, it is this elite that has faced the greatest threat. Ukraine is already facing the problem of professional disqualification in the field of culture as a result of the old-fashioned artistic education and training, lack of any kind of investment into the artistic and cultural activities. This can lead to the gradual degeneration of the high-level professional art and the critical thought. The same problem has caused gaps in the sphere of art management and directing that has never been well developed here, and to date is very weak.

The role of the Ministry of Arts and Culture of Ukraine, country's main donor in the field of culture, is now reduced to maintaining the subordinated institutions and tens of thousands of their workers, and to providing «the governmental events» such as public celebrations and anniversaries. The major part of the state-owned artistic infrastructure is in the ownership of local governments. About 80% of state financing of culture is being done out of local budgets. Thus the issue of local authorities' role gains special meaning.

The other potential donors such as commercial firms are mostly interested in public events (being interested in advertising rather than charity). Thus both the Ministry of Arts and Culture and commercial sector are not interested in the quality of the supported art, in the development of new forms, without which such lively sphere as arts simply ceases to exist.


Looking into the current situation in Ukrainian culture, the Programme Board Meeting has outlined the following complex of problems:

q Hermetic resistance to international experience;

q Loss of national identity;

q Traditionalistic professional education; lack of new forms and methods in it, which causes the lack of new artistic forms;

q Centralization of cultural life – support of huge events and mega-projects, while avoiding local events; concentration of cultural life in central cities and lack of interest towards regional life;

q Lack of established and open communication between (а) non-governmental arts and culture organizations in the regions, (b) art groups, (c) representatives of different schools and trends.

The Programme Board Meeting pinpointed the actual spheres of need:

q Development of independent non-governmental arts-and-culture structures in Ukrainian regions;

q Modern alternative education for artists and arts-and-culture managers;

q Facilitation of inter-regional exchange in Ukraine;

q Support of educational, research and provocative artistic and cultural initiatives capable of activating the environment and catalysing the emergence of new contemporary artistic forms, not supported by the state;

q Co-operation with potential partners (detailed description of the forms of co-operation is given in the description of the Programmes);

q Networking and communication of arts-and-culture NGOs;

q Involvement of local government and regional culture boards;

q International cultural centres (cultural centres of the embassies, such as Goethe-Institute, Alliance Francaise, The Cultural Centre of the Austrian Embassy, etc.);

q Regional small business;

q Foreign education centres (Salzburg Academy, Amsterdam Maastricht University, Central European University, etc.)

Programme Background

The Year 1999 strategy planning for the Arts and Culture Programme proclaimed three programmes instead of one, with specified and real goals and clear activities with identifiable criteria enabling the evaluation of their efficiency.

Thus, first, starting with the year 1999, the Arts and Culture Programme will close the programmes «European Cultural Space» and «Support to artistic NGOs» as the ones that have completed their mission.

Second, the Programme has changed its strategy to emphasize concrete steps towards eliminating the «state monopoly on arts and culture». Although it is still premature to discuss the results, but even the preliminary data analysis allows to point out:

q the necessity of educational and training projects for the culture managers, because the future prospects of many arts and culture NGOs activities seem rather questionable given the lack of elementary understanding in organizing this kind of activities;

q urgent necessity of «uninstitutionalized» arts and culture (the current working model of the IRAF did not pay attention to the arts and culture environment that was not already organized in the existing independent or state organizations).


q Experience in cooperation with wide range of experts from different spheres of culture — well-known critics as well as artists;

q Contacts within the IRAF network, which allows using its experience, resources and experts;

q Massive accumulation of information about the state of culture in the world;

q Possibilities of international cooperation for regional artists / NGOs;

q Availability of databases in place.


q Tendency to concentrate money in the capital;

q Desire to see the immediate results;

q Underdevelopment of the projects' monitoring.

All these «minuses» are taken into account while developing the strategies for the future, because (1) the programmes are developed for three years (we are expecting rather concrete results on each stage of the programme development, but we also realize its essential durability), (2) in the priorities the main accent is made on the regional development, (3) there is a renewed monitoring system that is being developed together with the Programme Board members (the main criteria are shown below).

Strategic approach

The IRAF strategy in the Arts and Culture will consist of several general types of interaction with the environment (potential applicants and partners):

q Grants Region Support Programme through the partners, based on the results of this year’s tender (is scheduled to take place in autumn in the framework of «Provincial Tours» Programme);

q Cooperation with artistic environment in the sphere of innovative projects that would facilitate the emergence of tolerance, acceptance, interest and taste towards different and unpopular aesthetic currents, develop intercultural communication, understanding of the «otherness»;

q Facilitation of international cooperation in the sphere of culture;

q Support of educational projects in the sphere of arts and culture as well as the artistic NGOs management;

q Work with regional partners in questions of communication and information flow in Ukraine.

Programme goals and results

Programme 1 Goal: To stimulate the activity of the artistic sphere in the regions.

Activities: Develop business plans for one and three years with the tender winners in 1999 (about 5 organizations). Continue inter-regional exchange events. Create resource centres on the basis of local organizations with the support of informational resources of the «Arts and Culture» Programme (information about foreign workshops, seminars, schools, festivals etc)

Result: Creation of the non-governmental, arts and culture agencies network in 5 general art centres in Ukraine, adequate publicity in the regions about the events, tendencies, and possibilities in Ukraine and abroad.

Partners: (a) resource centres in Ukraine and abroad — resource support and the information about the organization of such activities; (b) local government, regional culture boards — finances, facilities; (c) NGOs — human resources, facilities, organization; (d) regional small business — financial and technical support

Risk analysis (and alternative scenario): Lack of interest in the local authorities — development of the strategic plans that could draw their interest.


Programme 2 Goal: To stimulate creative thinking through the experience sharing and the alternative forms of education

Activities: Organization of the education seminars for culture managers (employees of non-governmental arts and culture regional organizations) with the help of international partners and Ukrainian specialists on the basis of the previously mentioned organizations. Working out courses for the future establishment of such kind of training on the local basis. Cooperation with international language schools to foster the improvement of foreign language skills (most importantly, English) of the artists as well as the managers. Organizing workshops of the performing and visual arts for the representatives of independent studios in the region. Working out the model to utilize the experience in the regions.

Result: Working out new models in modern art production as well as in the development of new forms.

Partners: (a) NGOs — human resources, facilities, organization; (b) international cultural centres (cultural centres of the embassies, such as Goethe-Institute, Alliance Francaise, The Cultural Centre of the Austrian Embassy etc) — information, finances, discounts arrangements; (c) network programmes — resources, information, trainers, experts; (d) regional small business — financial and technical support; (e) foreign educational centres (Salzburg Academy, Amsterdam Maastricht University, Central European University etc) — stipends, fellowships, trainers.

Risk analysis (and alternative scenario): Lack of Ukrainian specialist-trainers — emphasis on education and formation of the local base for the specialists (for the first year of the programme)


Programme 3 Goal: Support for experimental approach in arts.

Activities: Organizing national programme on innovative art projects. Arts support in the shape of new media. Support for experimentation in performing arts.

Result: Provoke the modern art development in Ukraine; establish tolerance, acceptance, interest and taste towards different and non-popular aesthetic currents among the audience.

Partners: (a) numerous artistic NGOs — human resources, facilities, organization, finances; (b) international cultural centres — information, finances; (c) small business — finances

Risk analysis (and alternative scenario): Polysemantic and subjective concepts of the «innovative», «contemporary» — widening the circle of participating experts while evaluating the projects.

Assessment indicators:

Quantitative indicators:
quantity of interested applicants;
quantity of the education programme participants;
dynamic of change in the quantity of the education programme participants;
quantity of fundraising arrangements or self-repayment of the project;
quantity of interested audience on the public events (type of audience — age, social strata, education, etc.)
quantity of the regions incorporated.
Qualitative indicators:
quality of business plans;
education programmes' quality;
event evaluation by the foreign experts;
questionnaires for education programmes' participants;
mass-media reactions.

Preliminary Budget


The proposed programmes are being planned for the minimum of three years. During this period the network of our main regional partners has to work out the solution strategies and the strategies for the independent existence as alternative; artistic and resource centres. They will cooperate not only with the related organizations, but also with the «uninstitutionalized» artists who are the majority in Ukraine. They will become the centres for new ideas and new possibilities.

The results of the programmes will be renaissance of the regions, emergence of hope and prospects for the talented people who lose them in today’s reality, emergence of the new generation of artists with the new perspective, development of the new independent art in Ukraine.

1998-2000 © International Renaissance Arts Foundation



53 Answer the questions based on the Programme Summary above.

1. What seems to be the mission of the International Renaissance Arts Foundation?

2. What were the results of Foundation's four-year Programme implementation?

3. How did the Foundation expect to consolidate their performance in the new period?

4. What key problems in Ukrainian culture did the new Strategy address?

5. The Programme viewed culture and art as more than just self-expression, but rather as a social stabilising factor. Why?

6. Why did the Programme target education, training and management projects?

7. What role did local authorities play in the grand scheme of art and culture development?

8. Why, according to the document, did the Culture Ministry and businesses fail the arts and culture sector's expectations?

9. What were the sector's main obstacles on the way to self-modernisation?

10. What were the main directions of work?

11. Will you explain the meaning of the "uninstitutionalized arts and culture"?

12. What were the potential strengths and weaknesses in the course of Programme's implementation?

13. Who was to be involved in the regional programme of the Foundation?

14. What activities did Programme 2 envisage?

15. How were the Programme results to be assessed?



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