Present Perfect Continuous.
to entail risks first and foremost an entertaining movie an Oscar contender a movie storyline well-made to appeal to a particular genre to tug at the heartstrings to stay relevant to kill a box office to turn into a box office bomb overused plot thanks to to make all the difference masterful interpretation to carry the weight true star power to be in the tabloids to help at the box office a string of cinema successes downside to attract a talent budget-constrained a first-time director to hire to adapt to the rigors of film-making intense desire to cover fees to create buzz essential a marketing campaign of utmost importance sufficient budget a feasible plan
Exercise 27. Match the words and their definitions. 1. adapt A. lead to, imply 2. contender B. be attractive or interesting 3. entail C. extremely important, necessary 4. cover D. someone who takes part in competitions 5. essential E. have enough money to pay for something 6. make all the difference F. change and become more suitable for new conditions 7. buzz G. be vitally important 8. appeal H. atmosphere of excitement and interest Exercise 28. Fill in the gaps with the following words in the correct form. Adaptappealbudget-constrainedbuzz contender cover