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A large part of handling a company's correspondence involves ANSWER­ING the mall. The ability to phrase an appropriate response is, therefore, a valuable and marketable skill.

Letters of response fall into a number of categories, including:

1. acknowledgments

2. follow-ups

3. confirmations

4. remittances

5. order acknowledgments

6. stopgap letters

7. inquiry replies

8. referrals

9. refusals

Many companies use form letters for certain types of replies, such as order acknowledgments. Nevertheless, a reply is often a fertile sales op­portunity, and a personal, carefully worded letter can reap both profits and goodwill.

Like a request, a reply should be specific and complete. However, a reply need not be brief. Indeed, because a reply must be both helpful and sales oriented, brevity is often impossible to achieve.

On the other hand, it is essential that a reply be prompt. In striving for a “ you approach”, this promptness may even be pointed out to the reader:


An acknowledgment (Figure 4-1) should be written when you receive merchandise, material, money, or information. Such a letter is a courtesy, letting your reader know that his mailing or shipment has reached its des­tination. When the matter received was not an order, an acknowledgment can also serve as a thank-you note.

Markham's Cards and Qifts 400 Paseo de ‘Peralta, Santa Pe, Mexico 87501   October 23, 19—   Mr. Herbert Benjamin Sales Representative Newmart Cards, Inc. 399 North Canon Drive Beverly Hills, California 90210   Dear Mr. Benjamin:   Thank you for arranging for us to receive our Christmas card displays a bit early this year. We installed them as soon as they arrived on Monday, and we’ve already sold out two lines!   The two months between now and Christmas seem destined to be busy ones, and I suspect you’ll be hearing from us again soon.   Best wishes,   Hedy Rosen Assistant Buyer


After a decision or agreement has been made, either at a meeting or in conversation, it is wise to send a follow-up letter to establish a written record of the transaction.

The Committee To Keep Minnesota Green 24 North Main Street, Blackduck, Minnesota 56630   June 3, 19—   Ms. Christine Solars Solars, Solars, and Wright 62 Onigum Road Walker, Minnesota 56484   Dear Ms. Solars:   We are pleased that you will be participating in the Ecology Colloquium sponsored by The Committee to Keep Minnesota Green. As we discussed in our telephone conversation this morning, the Colloquium will take place on June 29 in the convention room at the Blackduck Inn.   The Colloquium will begin with the keynote address at 10:30 a.m At 11:00, you will join our other guests of honor in a debate on the topic, “The Cost of Conservation: Public or Private Respon­sibilities?" Following the debate, luncheon will be served in the main dining room, where you will, of course, be a guest of the Committee.   Along with the other members of the Committee, I am looking forward to our meeting on the 29th.   Sincerely yours,



While confirmations are routine for such businesses as hotels and travel agencies, other businesses may also require them. Doctors, for example, and repair services can avoid wasted time by contacting patients and customers a day or so in advance of scheduled appointments. Such con­firmations are frequently made by telephone, but a form letter or postcard will also effectively transmit clear, correct, and complete information, par­ticularly when the type of business requires large numbers of confirma­tions. As is often the case, however, an individually written letter can turn a customer into a regular customer by adding a per­sonal touch.


The Barclay 5500 South 96th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68127   August 10, 19—   Mr. Albert Durrell 2233 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008   Dear Mr. Durrell:   This letter will confirm your reservation for a single room with bath for August 24-27. Your room will be available after 2 p.m. on the 24th.   Since you will be arriving in Omaha by plane, you may want to take advantage of The Barclay’s Shuttle. Our limousine departs from the domestic terminal every hour on the half hour, and the service is free for guests of the hotel.   Cordially yours,



Companies often request that their bill, or a portion of their bill, accom­pany a remittance. When this is not the case, a cover letter is necessary to explain what your enclosed check is for. This letter should contain any information regarding your order that will be needed for the proper credit­ing of your account. Include your account number, the invoice number, and the amount of the check. DO NOT include superfluous information that could confuse an accounts receivable clerk. Remarks not directly re­lated to the remittance should be reserved for a separate letter.


Dear Gentlemen and Ladies:   The enclosed check for $312.68 is in payment of invoice no. 10463. Please credit my account (no. 663-711-M).   Yours truly,



Many companies today have abandoned the practice of acknowledging orders, particularly when the order will be filled promptly. Some compa­nies respond to orders by immediately sending an invoice, and some em­ploy the halfway measure of using printed acknowledgment forms. But however handled, confirming an order helps to establish goodwill by reassuring the customer that the order has been received.

First orders SHOULD be acknowledged in order to welcome the new customer and encourage further business. Similarly, an un­usually large order by a regular customer deserves a note of appreciation.

Any order acknowledgment, whatever the circumstances, should con­tain specific information. It should let the customer know exactly what is being done about the order by

1. mentioning the date of the order;

2. including the order or invoice number;

3. explaining the date and method of shipment;

4. acknowledging the method of payment.

Of course, all order acknowledgments should also express appreciation for the order and assure the customer that it will be filled.

An acknowledgment is often an opportunity for a sales pitch. First of all, If a salesperson was Involved In the order, his or her name should appear somewhere in the letter. But beyond this, a letter may also include a de­scription of the merchandise to reaffirm the wisdom of the customer’s pur­chase. Other related products may also be mentioned to spark the customer’s Interest and future orders.


PAYTON’S PLASTICS, INC. 1313 Spruce Street Philadelphia, PA 17512 September 16, 19—   Ms. Cybel Megan FRAMES-BY-YOU 126 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 17503   Dear Ms. Megan:   We are please to have received your order of September 15 and would like to welcome you as a new customer of Payton’s Plastics.   Your order (No. 6297) for one dozen 4’ x 5' sheets of 1/8" Lucite is being processed and will be ready for shipment on September 21. It will be delivered to your workshop by our own van, and pay­ment will be c.o.d. (our policy for all orders under $100).   We are sure you will appreciate the clear finish and tensile strength of our entire line of plastics. Ms. Julie Methel, your sales represen­tative, will call on you soon with a catalog and samples.   Cordially, PAYTON’S PLASTICS, INC.   Howard Roberts Customer Relations


Because orders cannot always be filled promptly and smoothly, situa­tions arise in which a wise businessperson will send more than a mere acknowledgment.

Customers, for example, cannot always be relied on to submit com­plete orders. When an essential piece of information has been omitted, the order must be delayed and a tactful letter sent. Although the customer in such a case is at fault, the letter must neither place any blame nor ex­press impatience. Indeed, the customer's own impatience must be allayed with a positive, friendly tone. A bit of reselling—reminding the customer of the order’s desirability—is often in order in a letter of this kind.


Dear Mr. North:   Thank you for your order of October 22 for 6 rolls of black nylon web­bing. We are eager to deliver Order 129 to your store as soon as possible.   But first, please let us know whether you’d like the webbing in 1-, l!£-, or 2%-inch widths. If you note your preference on the bottom of this letter and mail it back to us today, we can have your order ready by the begin­ning of next week.   Olsen’s Upholstery products are among the finest made, and we’re sure you’d like to receive your purchase without further delay.   Sincerely yours,


Sometimes a delayed delivery is caused by the seller, not the buyer—a delicate situation that requires a carefully written letter). When an order cannot be filled promptly, the customer is entitled to an explana­tion. Assurance should be given that the delay is unavoidable and that everything is being done to speed delivery.

Such a letter must be especially “you- oriented." It should express that you understand the customer’s disappointment and regret the inconve­nience. At the same time, the letter must avoid a negative tone and not only stress that the merchandise is worth waiting for, but assume that the customer is willing to wait. The form letter in Figure 4-5 could be used in a mass mailing but sounds, nevertheless, as if it has the individual cus­tomer in mind.


1066 Third Avenue American Electric Company, Inc. Mew York, Mew York 10081   August 10, 19—   Dear   Requests for our pamphlet, “10 Points to Consider When Buying Home Video Equipment,” have been overwhelming. As a result, we are temporarily out of copies.   Nevertheless, the new printing is presently being prepared, and I have added your name to the mailing list to receive a copy as soon as it is available.   In the meantime, you may find an article by Professor Leonard Mack, of the Pennsylvania Institute of Technology, to be of some help. The article, entitled “The Latest Crop of Home Video Centers,” will appear in the September issue of Consumer Digest.   Sincerely,

When a partial shipment can be made, the customer must be informed that certain items have been back ordered. Again, the letter should as­sume the customer's willingness to wait. But it should also make an at­tempt to “resell" the merchandise by stressing its finer features without emphasizing the missing items.



Silver Imports, Ltd. 609 San Anselmo Avenue San Anselmo, California 94960   March 4, 19—   Ms. Bonnie Corum Bonnie’s Baubles 4091 West Ninth Street Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27102   Dear Ms. Corum:   Thank you for your recent order, number 622. We are always es­pecially delighted to serve an old friend.   Your six pairs of Chinese Knot earrings (item 15b) and one dozen Primrose pendants (item 8a) have been shipped by United Parcel and should arrive at your boutique within the week.   Unfortunately, our stock of cloisonné bangle bracelets (item 9d) has been depleted because of a delay in shipments from China. Our craftsmen have been at great pains to keep up with the de­mand for these intricate and finely wrought bracelets.   We have put your one dozen bracelets on back order and hope to have them on their way to you before the end of the month.   Very truly yours,   Chun Lee Ng Manager

When an order cannot be filled at all, a letter suggesting a substitute order (Figure 4-7) is occasionally appropriate. The suggested merchan­dise must, naturally, be comparable to the original order and should be offered from a perspective, not of salvaging a sale, but of helping the cus­tomer. The letter must include a sales pitch for the suggested item, but it should emphasize the customer’s needs. Of course, the letter should also explain why the original order cannot be filled.

Books-By-Mail PO. Box 799 Dallas, Texas 75220   April 10, 19—   Mrs. Donna Phillips RFD 2 Crosby, Texas 77532   Dear Mrs. Phillips:   Thank you for ordering Indra Madhur’s outstanding book, An In­ troduction.to. Indian.Cooking- As you know, in the fifteen years since its first publication, Mr. Madhur’s book has become a clas­sic and a standard for great cooks everywhere. Sadly, An Introduction is no longer in print, and I am returning your check for $15.95. But to satisfy your Interest in Indian cui­sine, I would like to suggest an alternative, Pumamattie Jaffre’s Indian Gourmet. Ms. Jaffre was a student of Mr. Madhur, and her recently published volume has been widely hailed by both food and cookbook critics.   If you would like a copy of Indian Gourmet, which costs only SI3.95, please let me know, and I will immediately send it to you.   Cordially,   David Ewing Order Department



When a thorough response to an incoming letter must be delayed, receipt of the letter at least should be promptly acknowledged. Such letters of ac­knowledgment are called STOPGAP LETTERS. They let your customer know that his inquiry has not been ignored and will be attended to as soon as possible.

Like a delayed delivery letter, a stopgap letter informs your customer that time is needed to process his request. Necessary information or ma­terials, for example, may not be immediately available. Or your company may have prescribed channels for reacting to certain inquiries. Credit ap­plications and insurance claims, for instance, take time to be processed and so are often answered promptly with a stopgap acknowledgment.

A stopgap letter will also be called for when your employer is out of town. The correspondent should be assured that his letter will be relayed to your employer as soon as he returns. You should be careful NOT to commit your employer to any action, nor should you explain his absence.


Dear Reverend Hollingsworth:   Your request to meet with Rabbi Tucker to discuss hLs participating in an interfaith symposium on world peace arrived this morning. However, Rabbi Tucker is out of town and is not expected back before the 15th.   I will be sure to inform Rabbi Tucker of the planned symposium as soon as he returns.   Yours truly,


All inquiries should be answered, even those that cannot for some reason be given a complete response. An inquiry indicates interest in your com­pany and a potential customer. The inquiry reply should be designed not only to increase that interest, but to inspire the inquirer to action.

An inquiry reply should begin by thanking the reader, acknowledging the interest in your company. It should end by offering further assistance—but ONLY if you actually want additional inquiries from this person.

The substance of an inquiry reply is usually information. You should in­clude not just the specific facts your correspondent requested, but any others that may be of help. (This is, of course, assuming that the original inquiry or request was reasonable.) If you cannot provide all the relevant data right away, you should promise it.


А&М Sewing Supplie», Inc. 40-04 Summit Avenue, Fairtawn, NJ 07662   June 2, 19—   Mr. Samuel Long Maxine Sportswear Manufacturing Co., Inc. 842 Seventh Avenue New York, New York 10018   Dear Mr. Long:   Thank you for your interest in A & M equipment. We are happy to supply you with the information you requested.   The following prices are quoted per dozen. Individual units are slightly higher: In case you have any further questions, Mr. Long, please do not hesitate to call. I can be reached between 8:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. at (201) 881-9412. Item1 Dozen @: A-l Garment Turner $180.00 A-l Automatic Winder 90.00 Ace Thread Trimmer 120.00 No-Slip Feed Puller 132.00   Sincerely yours,


If the information requested cannot be provided at all, if it is confidential, you should explain this in your letter. You must be care­ful, however, to word your explanation tactfully and resist the impulse to accuse your reader of trying to gather information to which she is not en­titled. Assume the inquiry was innocent and try to maintain goodwill.

Maxine Sportswear Manufacturing Co., Inc. 842 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10018   June 10, 19—   Mrs. Sharon Klein 693 Pelham Parkway Bronx, New York 10422   Dear Mrs. Klein:   We certainly appreciate your interest in Maxine Sportswear. Never­theless, I am afraid I cannot supply you with the information you request.   Because we do not sell our garments directly to the consumer, we try to keep our wholesale prices between ourselves and our deal­ers. It is our way of meriting both the loyalty and good faith of those with whom we do business. Clearly, divulging our whole­sale prices to a consumer would be a violation of a trust.   However, I have enclosed for your reference a list of our dealers in the Bronx and Manhattan. A number of these dealers sell Maxine Sportswear at discount.   Very truly yours,


Sometimes a request for information about a company’s products or services may be answered with a brochure or catalog. Such materials, though, must always be accompanied by a personalized cover letter. You should not only explain why you’ve sent the brochure and arouse your reader’s Interest in it, you should also call attention to the particulars of the brochure and attempt to encourage a sale.

A good practice for a manufacturer, moreover, who doesn’t sell directly to the public, is to pass along copies of the inquiry and reply to a dealer, who may pursue the sale further.


Dear Mr. Godonov:   Thank you for your request for Information about the Teaneck Tennis Center. One of New Jersey’s newest facilities, we arc a full-service tennis club just 15 minutes from Manhattan.   The enclosed brochure describes our special features, including champi­onship-size courts and professional instruction. You may find the section on our Businessperson’s Special of particular interest.   If you drop by Teaneck Tennis any time between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m., we would be delighted to give you a personal tour of the Center—at no obligation of course.   Cordially yours,


Business people often receive inquiries that can best be answered by an­other person. In that case, the correspondent must be informed that the inquiry is being passed on.

A letter of referral should acknowledge receipt of the inquiry and explain why and to whom it is being referred. Alternately, you may find it more ef­ficient to advise the correspondent of the proper source of information and tell exactly where to write.

Again, a manufacturer should be especially careful to sustain the reader’s interest even while referring her to a dealer. The address of a local dealer or a list of dealers in the area should be included in this kind of re­feral too. The reader should never be chastised for bypassing the mid­dleman; instead, she should be politely referred to the appropriate source.


Dear Mrs. Simpson:   Your request for information regarding marriage counselors in your community can best be answered by the Board of Community Services.   I am therefore referring your letter to Mr. Orlando Ortiz at the Whitestone Community Board. He will, I am sure, be in touch with you soon.   Yours truly,



There are many times when a businessperson must say no. When grant­ing a favor, awarding a contract, hiring an applicant, or for that matter making any decision, saying yes to one person often means saying no to another. The key, however, is to say no gracefully. Here, as in most corre­spondence, maintaining goodwill is extremely important.



Maxine Sportswear Manufacturing Co., Inc. 842 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10018   June 10, 19—   Mrs. Sharon Klein 693 Pelham Parkway   Bronx, New York 10422   Dear Mrs. Klein: We certainly appreciate your interest in Maxine Sportswear. Never­theless, I am afraid I cannot supply you with the information you request.   Because we do not sell our garments directly to the consumer, we try to keep our wholesale prices between ourselves and our deal­ers. It is our way of meriting both the loyalty and good faith of those with whom we do business. Clearly, divulging our whole­sale prices to a consumer would be a violation of a trust.   However, I have enclosed for your reference a list of our dealers in the Bronx and Manhattan. A number of these dealers sell Maxine Sportswear at discount.   Very truly yours,


Sometimes a request for information about a company’s products or services may be answered with a brochure or catalog. Such materials, though, must always be accompanied by a personalized cover letter. You should not only explain why you’ve sent the brochure and arouse your reader’s Interest in it, you should also call attention to the particulars of the brochure and attempt to encourage a sale.

A good practice for a manufacturer, moreover, who doesn’t sell directly to the public, is to pass along copies of the inquiry and reply to a dealer, who may pursue the sale further.


Dear Mr. Godonov:   Thank you for your request for Information about the Teaneck Tennis Center. One of New Jersey’s newest facilities, we arc a full-service tennis club just 15 minutes from Manhattan.   The enclosed brochure describes our special features, including champi­onship-size courts and professional instruction. You may find the section on our Businessperson’s Special of particular interest.   If you drop by Teaneck Tennis any time between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m., we would be delighted to give you a personal tour of the Center—at no obligation of course.   Cordially yours,


Business people often receive inquiries that can best be answered by an­other person. In that case, the correspondent must be informed that the inquiry is being passed on.

A letter of referral should acknowledge receipt of the inquiry and explain why and to whom it is being referred. Alternately, you may find it more ef­ficient to advise the correspondent of the proper source of information and tell exactly where to write.

Again, a manufacturer should be especially careful to sustain the reader’s interest even while referring her to a dealer. The address of a local dealer or a list of dealers in the area should be included in this kind of re­feral, too. The reader should never be chastised for bypassing the mid­dleman; instead, she should be politely referred to the appropriate source.


Dear Mrs. Simpson:   Your request for information regarding marriage counselors in your community can best be answered by the Board of Community Services.   I am therefore referring your letter to Mr. Orlando Ortiz at the Whitestone Community Board. He will, I am sure, be in touch with you soon.   Yours truly,



There are many times when a businessperson must say no. When grant­ing a favor, awarding a contract, hiring an applicant, or for that matter making any decision, saying yes to one person often means saying no to another. The key, however, is to say no gracefully. Here, as in most corre­spondence, maintaining goodwill is extremely important.

When saying no, you should first of all never actually say no. Your letter should be as positive as you can make it. The actual refusal should be stated once and briefly. The rest of the letter should be reader oriented and very friendly.

No matter what the request, your reader deserves an explanation of your refusal. Your reason should be based on facts, not emotions, al­though an appeal to your reader’s sense of fair play or business savvy is often appropriate. NEVER make the reader himself the reason for your refusal.

Rarely will you want in a refusal to sever all business connections. Therefore, you should be careful to keep your letter “open-ended." Ex­press appreciation for the request though it is being denied, and if possi­ble suggest an alternative course of action. A “not-at-this-time” refusal keeps open the possibility of future business.


AGNES CAFIERO, M.D. California Institute of Psychiatry 629 Seventh Avenue San Francisco, California 94120   September 1, 19—   The Honorable Nelson McKenzie The State Capitol Building Sacramento, California 91400   Dear Mr. McKenzie:   Thank you for your recent request for my endorsement of your campaign for United States Senator. I am honored that you be­lieve my name could be of value to you.   My professional policy, however, is to refrain from public endorse­ments. In my practice, I treat patients of all political parties, and I strongly believe that it is in their best interest that I maintain a nonpartisan position.   Privately, of course, I allow myself more leeway. I have always been impressed by your stand on the issues, particularly your support for national health insurance. I wish you all the best in your campaign and am enclosing a personal contribution of $100.   Sincerely yours,   Agnes Cafiero, M.D.

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