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Reading Compreension

Types of Business Letters



Usually, an inquiry offers the recipient no immediate reward or advantage beyond the prospect of a future customer or the maintenance of goodwill. Therefore, your inquiry must be worded in such a way that the recipient will respond despite a hectic schedule. To do this, you must make your шn­quiry easy to answer.

First of all, you should decide exactly what you want before you write. This should include the specific information that you need as well as the course of action you would like your reader to take.

Such an inquiry should include specific questions worded to elicit spe­cific facts. Since the manufacturer of copiers may make dozens of models, the inquiry should narrow down the type your company would consider.

Mahoney and Millman, Inc. 1951 Benson Street Bronx, New York 10465   May 2, 19—   RBM Manufacturing Company, Inc. 4022 Ninth Avenue New York, New York 10055   Dear Sir or Madam:   We intend to purchase a new office copier before the end of the fiscal year. We would like to consider an RBM copier and wonder if you have a model that would suit our needs.   Our office is small, and a copier would generally be used by only three secretaries. We run approximately 3,000 copies a month and prefer a machine that uses regular paper. We would like a collator, but rarely need to run off more than 25 copies at any one time.   We would also like to know about your warranty and repair service.   Since our fiscal years ends June 30, 19—, we hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely yours,   William Wilson   Office Manager WW/sw



Many companies use special forms for ordering merchandise or service. They may use their own, called a purchase order, or one provided by the seller, called an order form. These forms have blank spaces to ensure the inclusion of all necessary information. Their advantage is that they enable a company to number and track all expenditures.

Nevertheless, there will be times when an order must be put into letter format. At such times, you must be sure to include COMPLETE, ACCU­RATE INFORMATION because incomplete orders result in delayed deliv­eries, and inaccurate facts result in receipt of the wrong merchandise.

Every order should include:

1. the name of the item being ordered;

2. the Item’s number (catalog number, style number, model number, etc.);

3. quantity desired (often in large units such as dozens, cases, reams, etc.);

4. description (such as size, weight, color, material, finish, extra fea­tures);

5. unit price;

6. applicable discounts;

7. applicable sales tax;

8. total price;

9. method of payment (such as charge account, including the account number, c.o.d.; check; etc.);

10. desired delivery date;

11. method of shipment (such as parcel post or air express);

12. delivery address (which may vary from the billing address);

13. authorized signature.

In addition, if your order is in response to an advertisement, you should mention the source (such as the title and issue date of a magazine or newspaper).

250 Commonwealth Avenue Boston, Massachusetts 02118   February 14, 19—   Cape Cod Ornaments, Inc. 94 State Road West Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02757   Dear Madam or Sir:   I have seen your ad in the Boston Globe of Sunday, February 12, and would like to order the following weather vane:   Model EPC-18" eagle with arrow, copper, $34.95.   I would like the weather vane sent to the above address by parcel post and charged, with any applicable sales tax and handling costs, to my VISA account (number 003 0971 A109; expiration date, 3/99).   Yours truly,

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 778. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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