II. Prepare a letter of response for each of the following situations.
A. You are employed in the shipping department of Kinbote Products, Inc., 200 Southeast Fourth Street, Miami, Florida 33131. Write a letter acknowledging the following order from Ellen Minsky, buyer for Gold's Specialty Shops. 3636 West Grace Street, Tampa, Florida 33607.
B. Cornell Peal, vice-president of the General Communications Corporation, 600 North Milwaukee Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202, is out of town attending a four-day meeting of the regional directors of the company. As his administrative assistant, send a stopgap letter in response to the following request from Professor Anne Boleyn, Department of Media and Communications, University of Wisconsin, Menomonie, Wisconsin 54751.
C. You have just made a luncheon engagement for your employer Nancy Carson, an architect with Fulson Contractors, Inc., 4444 Western Avenue, Boulder, Colorado 80301. The appointment is with a prospective client, Justin Michaels, 622 Garth Street, Boulder, Colorado 80321. Write a letter to Mr. Michaels to confirm the lunch date, which will take place at Trattoria di Marco, at the corner of Tenth Street and Western Avenue, on April 7 at 1 p.m. D. You are employed by the Lawsen Linen Company, P.O. Box 762, Bloomfield, New Jersey 07003. Write a letter to Mrs. Marianne Rollins, 444 Ross Avenue, Caldwell, New Jersey 07006, to explain a delay in shipping her order for one set of Floral Mist queen-size sheets and pillowcases. Because of a factory strike, all orders have been held up, but assure her that negotiations are progressing and a settlement is expected soon. Convince her to wait and not cancel her order. E. Arthur Edwards, owner of Edwards Drug Store, 1540 Peachtree Street, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia 30309, has been a customer of the Southern Cosmetics Company, 2109 Lenox Road, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia 30326, for seven years. Because Mr. Edwards has placed an unusually large order, he has requested a special discount. As a representative of Southern Cosmetics, write a letter to Mr. Edwards refusing the discount.