Задание 3. Выберите правильное значение для каждого слова.
1. Research a. a study b. a book 2. Embarrassed a. feeling uncomfortable b. feeling happy 3. Celebrities a. journalists b. famous people 4. Proud a. feeling pleased with yourself b. feeling unhappy with yourself 5. Hideous a. very beautiful b. very ugly 6. Bald a. without hair b. with a lot of hair 7. Wig a. a kind of document b. false hair
Задание 4. Для каждого верного предложения поставьте T (True) и F (False) для каждого неверного (в конце предложения). 1. Michael winner was never proud of his passport photo. 2. Recently Michael winner renewed his passport and now he looks like an elegant film director in his new photo. 3. Once Ruth England had a passport photo where she looked very ugly. 4. For Ruth’s latest passport, she took only one photo. 5. Toby Young is never stopped when he goes through passport control. 6. Toby changed a lot since he took his passport photo.
Задание 5. Напишите синонимы для одних слов и антонимы для других в таблице.
Задание 6. Заполните пробелы при помощи слов, данных ниже. Age
1. He’s in his________ 20. = 19, 20, or 21 2. He’s in his ________forties. = between 41 and 49. 3. He is her ________ thirties. = between 34 and 36. 4. He is in her ________ sixties. = between 67 and 69. 5. He’s in his ________ seventies. = between 71 and 73.