Задание 16. Выпишите из текста три преимущества и три недостатка телевидения и пронумеруйте их от 1 до 3 (от самого важного к менее важному.
Advantages: 1. 2. 3. Disadvantages: 1. 2. 3.
YOUR TV HABITS. 1. How many TVs are there in your house? 2. How many channels do you have? 3. Do you have satellite or cable TV? 4. Which channel do you watch the most? 5. Do you watch any foreign channels? Which one(s)? 6. How much TV do you watch during the week/ at weekends? 7. How watches most/least TV in your family? 8. Do you think there are too many adverts on TV in your country? 9. Do you think TV programs in your country are getting better or worse? Why?