Hippocrates. Hippocratic Oath.
1. Запам’ятайте слідуючи слова і словосполучення. 1. physician - лікар 2. drive out - виганяти 3. Athens - Афіни 4. remnant - залишок 5. superstition - марновірство 6. ascribe - приписувати 7. divine - божественне 8. ascertain - виявляти 9. conceive - відбиватися 10. convalescence - видужання 11. trephine – робити трепанацію 12. sect - секта 13. swear – присягатися
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Hippocrates (460-377В.С.) greatest physician of antiquity, regarded as the father of medicine. Hippocrates was probably born on the island of Kos, Greece. He was the son of a doctor. Hippocrates studied medicine then went from town to town where he practised the art of medicine. It is known that he drove out plague from Athens by lighting fires in the streets of the city. Little else known about him. His name is associated with the Hippocrates Oath, though he probably is not the author of the document. In fact, of the approximately 70 works ascribed to him in the Hippocratic Collection, Hippocrates may actually have written about six of them. The Hippocratic Collection probably is the remnant of the medical library of the famous Kos school of medicine. His teachings, ability to make direct, clinical observations probably influenced the other authors of these works and had much to do with freeing ancient medicine from superstition. Among the more significant works of the Hippocratic Collection is Air, Waters, and Places (5th century BC), which, instead of ascribing disease to divine origin, discusses their environmental causes. It proposes that considerations such as a town’s weather, drinking water and site along the paths of favourable winds can help a physician ascertain the general health of citizens. The idea of preventive medicine, first conceived in Regimen and Regimen in Acute Diseases, stresses not only diet but also the patient’s general way of living and how it influences his or her health and convalescence. Hippocrates was known as an excellent doctor and a teacher of medicine. He established medical schools in Athens and in other towns. Hippocrates taught his pupils to examine the patient very attentively and to give him quick help. He created medicine on the basis of experience. He taught that every disease was a natural process and it had natural causes. Hippocrates treated diseases by exercise, massage, salt water baths, diet and suitable medicine. He knew the use of many drugs and was a good surgeon. Hippocrates set fractures and even trephined the skull. Hippocrates is the most famous of all the Greek doctors and some of his ideas are still important. Doctors in many countries take the Hippocratic Oath, entering the practice of medicine. At one time the oath was ascribed to the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, but modern research has shown that it most probably originated in a Pythagorean sect of the 4th century BC. The so-called Hippocratic Oath is a collection of promises which forms the basis of the medical code of honour.