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EXERCISES. I. Read and translate the text.

I. Read and translate the text.

II. Answer the following questions:

What is the primary function of the hotels and catering in­dustry?

Why have the hospitality and leisure industries become so important?

How did they develop?

What is a hotel?

What accommodation services do hotels provide?

How did motels appear?

How are hotels categorized in terms of their clients?

What is the difference between commercial hotels and re­sort hotels?

What do hotels for the convention trade aim their services at?

Who are resident hotels for?

Why is there no firm distinction between the different kinds of hotels?

What other system of hotel rating do you know?

What does the quality service mean?

Why is the accommodations industry labour-intensive?

How are services in a small hotel different from those in a luxury hotel?

In what case can a hotel pride itself on its quality of ser­vice?

III. Sum up what you have learned from the text about:

the functions of the hospitality industry;

the historical facts of its development;

the four broad categories of hotels according to their clien­tele;

the way of categorizing hotels by the quality of service they offer

IV. Find in the text one word which means the same:

1. Shelter, food, drink and other services for travellers or transients. Because it provides these things, the hotel business is often referred to as the ________ indus­try.

2. An establishment offering shelter and food for travellers. The term was customary in the days of travel by horse. It has been revived because it conveys the idea of old-fashioned hospitality!

3. In modern usage, a place that serves alcoholic drinks. Formerly, it was an alternate term for an inn.

4. A shortened form for the place that provides accom­modations for the traveller and a parking space for his or her automobile.

5. A place or area to which people travel for recreational purposes. Hotels are important features of areas.

6. A meeting of a business or professional group for the purpose of exchanging information, electing officers, and discussing and frequently voting on proposals for rule changes in the organization.Hotels provide special facilities and services to attract such meetings.

7. A large formal meal, given for a specific purpose, usually including speeches or some kind of ceremony.

Many hotels have _________ rooms to accommodate functions of this kind.

8. Of the highest quality. Hotels rated so, offer the great­est possible convenience, comfort, and service to their guests. Such hotels are generally the most expensive.

9. Requiring a large number of people for the services that are provided by a business or industry.

V. Match the following descriptions with the types of hotels given in the box:


I. dd 1) resort hotel 2) motel 3) country house hotel   4) commercial hotel 5) airport hotel 6) confident   7) congress hotel 8) guest house

a) It is built specially to provide a service to motorists.

b) It provides every facility a wealthy guest might need.

c) It is situated in a place where tourists like to stay, of­ ten near the sea. Guests may stay for a week or two, and usually book in advance.

d) It provides accommodation for people going to or coming from other countries, usually only staying for
one night.

e) It is often situated in a town center, and provides ac­commodation for travelling businessmen, staying only
one or two nights.

f) It provides facilities for large meetings and conferences, with a lecture theatre and exhibition facilities.

g) It provides low-priced accommodation, usually on a
small scale, for holiday visitors or for long-stay guests.

h) It is situated in pleasant scenery, and provides com­fortable but informal accommodation for people who want to relax in a quiet place.

VI. Match each description with one of the hotel classes given below:

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 2654. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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