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Inverness Terrace, Bayswater, London W2 3JN

1. Following a multi-million pound refurbishment, The Hyde Park Towers Hotel has been transformed into a luxury business class hotel with every modern amenity.

Ideally located in the heart of the capital on a tree-lined terrace, the hotel is only a few minutes west of Oxford Street and offers easy access to London's major business centers and tourist attractions.

The elegant and stylish surroundings are perfectly complemented by the warmth of personal service provided b the staff.

2. The hotel offers 115 luxuriously appointed bedrooms ii eluding 20 with their own fax lines. Each has a private bathroom, direct dial telephone, colour television (including five satellite channels), radio, tea and coffee making facilities, hair dryer and trouser press. Your bedroom will provide the perfect environment in which" to relax and unwind at the end of a busy day.

The finest French cuisine is served in the elegant setting of Le Pare restaurant, where the rich furnishings, pictures and mirrors help to provide a relaxing environment in which to enjoy a meal. A choice of menus is offered and ассоmрanied by our wine list to complement your meal.

3. Adjacent to the restaurant, Le Pare lounge offers an idel venue in which to relax after a busy day, to meet with friends or colleagues or to enjoy a drink before dinner. Full table service is provided for cocktails, beers, wines and spirits in traditional surroundings.

4. To complement the facilities of the hotel, there are three function rooms, suitable for meetings from eight to forty five. The largest is the Victoria Room, accommodating up to twenty four people boardroom style and forty five theatre style. Each room is fully air conditioned and features fax lines, telephone links and a comprehensive range ofpresentation features.

Whether dining on business, enjoying an intimate meal for two or a celebration dinner, the attentive service Le Pare restaurant will provide for a rewarding experience.

5. Inverness Terrace is just off the Bayswater Road, a short walk from the rural beauty of Hyde Park. Queensway tube station is a few minutes walk from the hotel and serves the Central line, providing a direct service to Oxford Circus, Chancery Lane and St Paul's. Queensway itself is a busy shopping center and fast road and rail links to Heathrow Airport are within easy reach of the Hyde Park Towers Hotel.

IX. Discuss the facilities offered bythe hotel.

Think of the questions you'd like to ask in addition to the information in the brochure.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 1350. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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