I. Read and translate the text.
II. Answer the following questions: What titles are used for the head of a hotel? What is the manager of a hotel responsible for? What skills and knowledge are essential for the hotel manager? Why do hotel managers need business education? Where can you get specialized education for hotel management? How does the personal influence of the manager vary? What is the role of the manager in hotel business? How does the manager ensure the smooth running of a hotel? What responsibilities are vital for the smooth functioning of a hotel? Why are in-house training programmes so important for the business? What do training programmes usually include? How are the duties of assistant managers arranged? Where do they usually have a desk? Why? How do they deal with more serious problems? What is the dual responsibility of the hotel management? What makes hotel business financially successful? III. Sum up what you've learned from the text about: the duties of the hotel manager; the education and skills essential for the job; the way the manager carries out his functions; the training programmes offered to employees; the role and functions of assistant managers; the dual responsibility of the hotel management and administration; IV. Find in the text words or phrases which correspond to the following definitions: 1) The people who collectively perform the function of establishment and carrying out policies for an organization are known as the __________. An individual involved in this activity is a __________. 2) A French word for 'hotelman' that is frequently used in English. In other words, a __________ is a professional in the hotel business. 3) A business enterprise that operates at least several outlets. The Hilton, Sheraton and Holiday Inn enterprises are examples of worldwide ____________________. 4) A work period, often for eight hours. Because hotels operate twenty-four hours a day, many jobs are scheduled on a morning, evening or night __________ basis. 5) The process of making the public aware of an enterprise. Advertising is paid __________, while publicity is usually unpaid. 6) The means of mass communication and information: newspapers, magazines, radio and television. 7) Knowledge and experience in a particular area of activity / business. 8) The person who invites and receives guests and is in charge of all the necessary arrangements for that. 9) Good manners, politeness and readiness to help customers in any circumstances. 10) Method of control which is carried out on a regular basis but without prior warnings to the people under supervision. V. A hotel is a product and hotel management should be able to sell the product — to talk about the hotel, rooms, facilities, etc., so that guests want to stay in the hotel and use its facilities. What are the most important selling points in hotels?