Feel No Pain.
Daemonhost: Warp Shield:A Daemonhost has a 5+ invulnerable save. DAEMONIC POWER: Roll a D6 at the start of each friendly turn for each unit that contains one or more Daemonhosts to determine which ability all the Daemonhosts in that unit manifest this turn. Unless otherwise stated, each manifestation lasts until the start of your next turn. D6 - Result 1 - Re-knit Host Form:The Daemonhosts have the Feel No Pain special rule. 2 - Warp Grasp:In the Assault phase, each Daemonhost can attack using the following profile: Range – S –user AP2 Melee
3 - Daemonic Speed:The Daemonhosts gain the Fleet special rule, and their Initiative increases to 10. 4 - Warp Strength:The Daemonhosts’ Strength characteristic increases to 6. 5 - Energy Torrent:In the Shooting phase, each Daemonhost can make a shooting attack with the following profile: Range – 24 S –4 AP3 Assault 1, Blast 6 - Unholy Gaze:In the Shooting phase, each Daemonhost can make a shooting attack with the following profile: Range – 24 S –8 Ap4 Assault 1
Uncanny Reflexes:A Death Cult Assassin has a 5+ invulnerable save.
Inconceivable Customisation:When an Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband containing one or more Jokaero is deployed, roll a D6 on the following chart. Each time you roll, add +1 to the result for each Jokaero in the unit beyond the first. All results apply for the duration of the game.
D6 – Result 1 – Aesthetic Alteration:While pleasing to the Jokaero, these modifications have no noticeable effect. 2 - Improved Gun Sights:All non-template shooting weapons in the unit have their maximum range increased by 12". 3 – Reinforced Armour:Models in the unit treat their Armour Save as being one better than normal. 4 – Penetrating Ammunition:All shooting weapons in the unit are Rending. 5 – Augmentative Energy Fields:All models in the unit have a 5+ invulnerable save. 6 - The Works:Roll twice more on the table and apply both results. Each upgrade can only be applied once – ignore duplicate results (including further rolls of 6). Jokaero Ingenuity:A Jokaero can have his digital weapons fire as one of the following weapons: lascannon, multi-melta or heavy flamer. Choose which when the weapon is fired. All Jokaero in the same unit must choose the same weapon.
Ministorum Priest: Zealot. War Hymns:A model with this special rule can take a Leadership test at the beginning of each Fight sub-phase in which he is locked in combat. If the test is successful, choose one of the following war hymns to immediately take effect.