BS3 F12 S12 R10 HP3 POINTS Unit Type:Vehicle (Flyer, Hover, Transport) Unit Composition:1 Valkyrie Wargear:Multi-laser, two hellstrike missiles, extra armour, searchlight. Special rules:Grav Chute Insertion: If a Valkyrie has moved more than 6", passengers may still disembark, but they must do so as follows. Nominate any point over which the Valkyrie moved that turn and striking onto that point. If the unit scatters, every model must immediately take a Dangerous Terrain test. If any of the models cannot be deployed, the unit is destroyed.
Transport: Transport Capacity: 12 models. Fire Points: None. Access Points: A Valkyrie has one access point on each side of its hull, and one at the rear.
Options: May replace multi-laser with a lascannon - 15 pts May replace both hellstrike missiles for two multiple rocket pods – 30 pts May take two side sponsons, each with a heavy bolter - 10 pts LAND RAIDER BS4 F14 S14 R14 HP4 POINTS Unit Type:Vehicle (Tank, Transport) Unit Composition:1 Land Raider Wargear:Two twin-linked lascannons, twin-linked heavy bolter, smoke launchers. Special rules:Assault Vehicle, Power of the Machine Spirit.
Transport: Transport Capacity: 10 models. Fire Points: None. Access Points: A Land Raider has one access point at the front of its hull, and one on either side.
Options: May take a multi-melta - 10 pts May take items from the Inquisitorial Vehicle Equipment list.