Charge 1
Psychic Barrage is a witchfire power with the following profile: Range – 36 S –3* AP 6* Assault 1, Large Blast
If you want to manifest this psychic power you must select a model that knows this psychic power to take the psychic test, and measure range, line of sight etc. from him. The Strength and AP of Psychic Barrage both increase by 1 for each model in the unit that knows this power after the first – only one shot is fired, regardless of the number of psykers in the squad. If a unit containing one or more models with this psychic power suffers Perils of the Warp, all models in the unit that know this Psychic Power suffer the effects.
Inquisitorial Relic.
Liber Heresius - At the start of any friendly turn, the bearer can take a Leadership test. If the test is failed, nothing happens, but if the test if passed, choose one of the special rules from the list below. The bearer of the Liber Heresius, and his unit, gain that special rule until the start of their next turn. The same special rule cannot be gained in this way more than once per game – you must choose a different special rule each time.
Scouts* Split-fire Counter-attack Fear Hatred * Instead of being made at the start of a friendly turn, the Leadership test to use this special rule is made after deployment, but before the first turn begins.
Grimoire of True Names - When the bearer of the Grimoire of True Names is fighting a challengebagainst a model with the Daemon special rule, his opponent suffers a - 5 penalty to his Weapon Skill, Initiative and Leadership characteristics (to a minimum of 1).
The Tome of Vethric - If your opponent’s army contains any detachments chosen from any of the codexes shown in the table below, the bearer of the Tome of Vethric gains the corresponding special rule. For example, if your opponent had a primary detachment chosen from Codex: Tau Empire and an Allied Detachment chosen from Codex: Eldar, the bearer would have both the Furious Charge and Split Fire special rules.
Enemy detachment’s codex - Special rule gained by bearer