Range - S -user AP- Melee
DAEMONBLADE - Range – S -user AP- Melee Every Daemonblade has two daemonic powers randomly generated from the following list before the army is deployed. If the same result is rolled twice, you can choose the Daemonblade’s second daemonic power.
2D6 — Daemonic Power: 2-3 – Warpflame:Attacks made with the Daemonblade are resolved at +3 Strength. 4 - Unholy Speed:The wielder has +3 Attacks. 5 - Etherblade:The Daemonblade has an AP of 2. 6 - Vampyre:When the Daemonblade inflicts an unsaved wound, its wielder immediately gains +1 Wound (to a maximum of 10). 7 - Daemonic Feud:Close combat attacks from this sword always wound Daemons on a roll of 2+. Furthermore, Daemons must re-roll any successful invulnerable saves against any wounds caused by this Daemonblade. 8 - Deathlust:The wielder of the Daemonblade has the Furious Charge and Rage special rules. 9 - Dark Resurrection:The wielder of the Daemonblade has the Feel No Pain and Eternal Warrior special rules. 10 - Daemon Venom:The Daemonblade has the Poisoned (2+) special rule. 11+ - Familiar:The wielder generates one additional Warp Charge point in each of his turns. In addition, the Daemonblade gains the Force special rule.
NEMESIS DAEMON HAMMER - Range – S -x2 AP2 Melee, Specialist Weapon, Concussive, Force, Unwieldy, Daemonbane
Daemonbane:Any model with the Daemon or Psyker special rule that suffers one or more unsaved Wounds from a weapon with this special rule must take a Leadership test at the end of the Assault phase. If the test is passed, nothing happens. If the test is failed, the model is removed as a casualty.
NULL ROD - Range – S -user AP3 Melee, Witchbane
Witchbane:Any unsaved wounds caused by a null rod inflict Instant Death on models with the Psyker or Brotherhood of Psykers/Sorcerers special rule. Futhermore, the bearer (and his squad) cannot be targeted by psychic powers (friendly or enemy).
SCYTHIAN VENOM TALON - Range – S -user AP- Melee, Poisoned (2+)
SERVO-ARM - Range – S-x2 AP1 Melee, Specialist Weapon, Unwieldy
Special Ussue Wargear:
DEFENCE ORBS - Defence orbs confer a 5+ invulnerable save.
DIGITAL WEAPONS - A model armed with digital weapons can re-roll a single failed roll To Wound in each Assault Phase.
EMPYREAN BRAIN MINES - Empyrean brain mines are used in the Assault phase, after assault moves have been made but before any blows are struck. Nominate one enemy model in base contact with the bearer. That model must pass an Initiative test to avoid the brain mine. If the test is passed, the effects of the brain mine have been resisted. If the test is failed, the victim has been rendered momentarily catatonic and cannot strike any blows during this Assault phase.
PSYBOLT AMMUNITION - A model equipped with psybolt ammunition counts the Strength of its shots as being one point higher than normal if it is firing one of the following weapons: bolt pistol, boltgun, storm bolter, heavy bolter, hurricane bolter, autocannon or assault cannon. E.g. an assault cannon would be Strength 7, rather than Strength 6, if the firer had psybolt ammunition.
PSYCHOTROKE GRENADES - When a unit equipped with psychotroke grenades launches an assault, or is assaulted, roll a D6 for each enemy unit being assaulted or assaulting to see what the effect is. The effects of psychotroke gas only ever last for the duration of a single Assault phase. Note that the descriptions included below have been based on the recorded responses of human subjects – alien races will, of course, react in the own, inimitable fashion (though the game effect is unchanged).